[asterisk-users] Voicemail/Email Integration

ahester at galacticltd.com ahester at galacticltd.com
Mon Aug 28 14:03:21 MST 2006

Is there a way to implement voicemail/email integration such that you 
could retrieve the voicemail with either the phone or email, but only 
have to delete the message once?

I had thought that if Asterisk could retrieve voicemail from an IMAP 
server or if it could utilize an IMAP daemon locally that this could be 
done, but I wondered if anyone has already tackled this in some way.

I currently run an old version of CCM with Unity which allows this 
functionality.  Unfortunately, telling the endusers that they have to 
either select one place to retrieve email from, or be willing to delete 
from both places isn't really a very good option.

I've been out of the loop for a while, so if I have missed something 
obvious I apologize.


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