[asterisk-users] Recent additions to the Digium Asteriskdevelopment team

Ira ira at extrasensory.com
Fri Aug 18 14:54:22 MST 2006

At 01:22 PM 8/18/2006, you wrote:
>The other side of the coin is that there's a risk of becoming a 
>Frankenstein system with lots of ugly patches and configuration 
>syntaxes with small variations and basically lines upon lines of 
>code where everybody adds something to scratch their own itch in 
>their own particular manner.

Not to be negative, but additions like array() make me wonder what 
the developers are thinking. If they wanted arrays, then fix the 
parser so it can handle them but don't add a function called array() 
that has nothing to do with arrays because someday if arrays get 
implemented what shall we call the function that creates arrays?

I'm not being negative, I love what Asterisk has done for me and I 
think it's an amazing piece of work, but it's getting to the point 
where it needs someone who understands language design to oversee how 
it's being extended.

Now that we have db() should dbput() and dbget() be deprecated?  Or 
did it even make sense to add db()?

I'm not claiming to know the answers, but I don't think those are the 
kind of questions I should be asking.


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