[asterisk-users] Call Parking initiator cannot retrieve parked calls

J. Oquendo sil at infiltrated.net
Thu Aug 17 08:55:18 MST 2006

Greets all. Having an issue with parking calls. Here is the scenario

Calls comes in --> Answered --> Placed on Park --> Go to retrieve parked 
call --> Can't

This only happens for the person who answered the call (Initiator). They 
can't retrieve the calls they parked. Anyone else can, and if they 
repark it, then and only then can the initiator pick it back up but I'm 
looking for a way to not place a call on hold, then park it... I would 
like to be able to do the following:

Call arrives --> Answered --> Place on Park --> if need be retrieve it

Calls are parked to page over an intercom so if someone is not 
available, I need to be able to pick that call back up. Now parking is 
semi working because I can pick up the call on the parked extension from 
any other phone except the one that parked it. Eventually it will ring 
back if the person doesn't respond but I'd like to be able to get it 
back at will...

J. Oquendo
7B02 28CF 24D3 ACA7 9907  789A 8772 7736 1383 A743
sil . infiltrated @ net http://www.infiltrated.net 

The happiness of society is the end of government.
John Adams

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