[asterisk-users] Asterisk 'Hosting'

Matt Riddell (NZ) matt.riddell at sineapps.com
Wed Aug 16 12:35:18 MST 2006

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Douglas Garstang wrote:

> It's obvious that Asterisk was designed more for the enterprise (ie a single company), rather than for the carrier (ie multiple companies). It's a bit hard to explain here, but even with more than a few companies, the config files and dial plan start to become horribly complex.
> Our first customer has 15 contexts (right now) in extensions.conf (we've broken each company into a separate files included from extensions.conf and sip.conf for some manageability).  At several hundred companies, that's several thousand contexts. We have three Asterisk boxes, and can add more, but the config is (almost) idential between them for redundancy, and this means that each Asterisk box has to have a dialplan configured for all companies.

And so you're thinking it would be better to run several hundred
Asterisk instances?!

Good luck.

I think your project would work a lot better if you worked like this:

1) Get requirements
2) Map features and limitations of products
3) Write PseudoCode
4) Work out ways to load test your ideas
5) Write real code
6) Load test again with real code

Hint: Layer your system so that each component is not doing too much

Hint #2: Read: http://www.astricon.net/files/David_Zimmer_EUR06.pdf

- --

Matt Riddell

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