[asterisk-users] Macro inside macro

Attilla De Groot mail at youmeandvoip.nl
Mon Aug 14 09:15:12 MST 2006

Well I solved the problem, by just making it one macro, not a macro  
inside another one.

exten => s,1,Setvar(CALLFILENAME=CALL-${ARG1}-${MACRO_EXTEN:4}-$ 
exten => s,2,Monitor(wav,${CALLFILENAME},m})
exten => s,3,setcallerid(${ARG2})
exten => s,4,dial(${ARG3})
exten => h,1,System(/etc/asterisk/mail.sh mail at youmeandvoip.nl $ 


On Aug 13, 2006, at 11:21 PM, Attilla De Groot wrote:

> On Aug 13, 2006, at 7:53 PM, Gonzalo Servat wrote:
>> I think what you probably want is:
>> exten => _*22*X.,1,Macro(record,conference,${EXTEN:4})
>> If you have _*23*., it means it will match *23**** as well as
>> *23*****************, but not *23*123456 which is probably what you
>> want. Try:
>> exten => _*23*X.,1,Macro(record|dialout|31455200025|SIP/${EXTEN:4} 
>> @voipbuster)
> I made both changes, but that wasn't a problem. If I understand it  
> correctly, this only changes that the extension got more specific,  
> right ?
>> Also, from memory, the "h" extension gets executed from the main
>> context. After making the above changes, try adding this:
>> exten => _*23*X.,h,System(/etc/asterisk/mail.sh mail at youmeandvoip.nl
>> .. and remove the "h" extension from macro-record.
>> Let me know if the above helps.
> I did make the changes, but it didn't solve the problem. It should  
> be  h,1,System by  the way ;)
> I have some log here:
>  -- Executing Macro("SIP/attilla-0dce", "record|dialout|31455200025| 
> SIP/08001234 at sip1.voipbuster.com") in new stack
>     -- Executing SetVar("SIP/attilla-0dce", "CALLFILENAME=CALL- 
> dialout-08001234-20060813-231921") in new stack
>     -- Executing Monitor("SIP/attilla-0dce", "wav|CALL- 
> dialout-08001234-20060813-231921|m}") in new stack
>     -- Executing GotoIf("SIP/attilla-0dce", "0?macro-record|s| 
> 4:macro-record|s|5") in new stack
>     -- Goto (macro-record,s,5)
>     -- Executing Macro("SIP/attilla-0dce", "dialout|31455200025|SIP/ 
> 08001234 at sip1.voipbuster.com") in new stack
>     -- Executing SetCallerID("SIP/attilla-0dce", "31455200025") in  
> new stack
>     -- Executing Dial("SIP/attilla-0dce", "SIP/ 
> 08001234 at sip1.voipbuster.com") in new stack
>     -- Called 08001234 at sip1.voipbuster.com
>     -- SIP/sip1.voipbuster.com-f715 is making progress passing it  
> to SIP/attilla-0dce
>     -- SIP/sip1.voipbuster.com-f715 answered SIP/attilla-0dce
>   == Spawn extension (macro-dialout, s, 2) exited non-zero on 'SIP/ 
> attilla-0dce' in macro 'dialout'
>   == Spawn extension (macro-dialout, s, 2) exited non-zero on 'SIP/ 
> attilla-0dce' in macro 'record'
>   == Spawn extension (macro-dialout, s, 2) exited non-zero on 'SIP/ 
> attilla-0dce'
> As you can see it executes everything perfectly and I was expecting  
> that after this the script would be executed.
> Regards,
> Attilla
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