[asterisk-users] Re: Abstraction for a newbie

M.Hockings veeshooter at hockings.net
Fri Aug 11 16:26:56 MST 2006

Dominic Son wrote:
> Hi. Can someone explain to a right brained person what is going on with 
> In/out bound trunks, how it connects to my Trixbox..
> 1. i get issued a free NY phone number from a voip service like 
> stanaphone .
> 2. i then call this number, it connects to the stanaphone voicemail
> 3. i turn off the voicemail because i want it to connect to my 
> Askterisk, I've set up all the trunks in the PBX setup, ( 
> sip.stanaphone, etc)
> 4. now i call my NY number, and it says 'this phone is not in service, 
> please check the number and dial again'
> my Q: how does this work, more specifically, if i turned off the VM, how 
> does stanaphone then know to look for my asterisk server to use the trixbox?
> -- 
> Anything else, let me know.

Here are some guesses from another relative newbie that has previously 
hit the problem :-)

Have you set up a SIP trunk and incoming route for your stanaphone number?

I think this is likely related to your freePBX config in that the SIP 
trunk is not in the right context.  If you look in sip.conf you will see:

; If you need to answer unauthenticated calls, you should change this
; next line to 'from-trunk', rather than 'from-sip-external'.
; You'll know this is happening if when you call in you get a message
; saying "The number you have dialed is not in service. Please check the
; number and try again."

You might get more info about setting up things in Trixbox/freePBX on 
the amportal-users mailing list...

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