[asterisk-users] Polycom 1.6.7 firmware?

Avi Miller avi.miller at squiz.net
Tue Aug 8 15:37:19 MST 2006

Dean Collins wrote:
> Yep, but didn’t asterisk at home have a folder to store these files on? 
> Does freepbx?

You mean TrixBox? I know they're working on a phone provisioning system, 
but I thought it was just for Cisco and Grandstreams. Check with the 
TrixBox guys at http://www.trixbox.org

(FreePBX is just a GUI configuration utility. TrixBox is the successor 
to Asterisk at Home, i.e. the all-in-one Asterisk-in-a-Can distribution. 
TrixBox uses FreePBX as part of its management tools).

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