[asterisk-users] New people in this world and his problem with ISDN

Dominik Kiełb kielb at cti.pl
Mon Aug 7 00:47:41 MST 2006

Hi all,
I'm new in Asterisk world, but it's very interest for me. I have some
experience in CC and CTI. Now, is time for me on Asterisk.
I use environment:
 Fedora Core 5
Asterisk 1.2
Eicona BRA Cards
X-Lite for SIP users
and HiPath 3550 for PSTN users
I test different configuration and possibilities, and I must talk: It's
great. But, off course I have problem. 
ISDN BRA connected to Eicona card has number 115. When I was try make two
connection to this port and route this to SIP user or put to queue, all was
great, but when I try transfer one PBX user (ext. 102) to another (ext. 101)
it not works. Off course I want use for this Asterisk, make call from 101 to
asterisk and make transfer to another
I have error:

*CLI> CONNECT_IND ID=001 #0x0001 LEN=0041
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x301
  CIPValue                        = 0x10
  CalledPartyNumber               = <81>115
  CallingPartyNumber              = <00 83>102
  CalledPartySubaddress           = default
  CallingPartySubaddress          = default
  BC                              = <80 90 a3>
  LLC                             = default
  HLC                             = <91 81>
   BChannelinformation            = default
   Keypadfacility                 = default
   Useruserdata                   = default
   Facilitydataarray              = default
   SendingComplete                = default

    -- CONNECT_IND (PLCI=0x301,DID=115,CID=102,CIP=0x10,CONTROLLER=0x1)
       > ISDN1: msn='*' DNID='115' DID
  == ISDN1: Incoming call '102' -> '115'
INFO_IND ID=001 #0x0002 LEN=0019
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x301
  InfoNumber                      = 0x70
  InfoElement                     = <81>115

INFO_RESP ID=001 #0x0002 LEN=0012
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x301

    -- ISDN1: info element CALLED PARTY NUMBER
    -- ISDN1: Updated channel name: CAPI/ISDN1/115-1
    -- ISDN1: CAPI/ISDN1/115-1: 115 matches in context capi-in
  == Started pbx on channel CAPI/ISDN1/115-1
INFO_IND ID=001 #0x0003 LEN=0015
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x301
  InfoNumber                      = 0xa1
  InfoElement                     = default

INFO_RESP ID=001 #0x0003 LEN=0012
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x301

    -- ISDN1: info element Sending Complete
INFO_IND ID=001 #0x0004 LEN=0016
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x301
  InfoNumber                      = 0x18
  InfoElement                     = <8a>

INFO_RESP ID=001 #0x0004 LEN=0012
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x301

    -- ISDN1: info element CHANNEL IDENTIFICATION 8a
INFO_IND ID=001 #0x0005 LEN=0015
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x301
  InfoNumber                      = 0x8005
  InfoElement                     = default

INFO_RESP ID=001 #0x0005 LEN=0012
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x301

    -- ISDN1: info element SETUP
       > ISDN1: IE SETUP / SENDING-COMPLETE already received.
       > CAPI devicestate requested for ISDN1/115
    -- Executing Dial("CAPI/ISDN1/115-1", "CAPI/contr1/101") in new stack
       > data = contr1/101
       > parsed dialstring: 'contr1' 'NULL' '101' ''
       > capi request controller = 1
       > parsed dialstring: 'contr1' 'NULL' '101' ''
  == ISDN1: Call CAPI/ISDN1/101-2   (pres=0x03, ton=0x00)
CONNECT_REQ ID=001 #0x0003 LEN=0049
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x1
  CIPValue                        = 0x1
  CalledPartyNumber               = <80>101
  CallingPartyNumber              = <00 83>102
  CalledPartySubaddress           = default
  CallingPartySubaddress          = default
   B1protocol                     = 0x1
   B2protocol                     = 0x1
   B3protocol                     = 0x0
   B1configuration                = default
   B2configuration                = default
   B3configuration                = default
   GlobalConfiguration            = default
  BC                              = default
  LLC                             = default
  HLC                             = default
   BChannelinformation            = <00 00>
   Keypadfacility                 = default
   Useruserdata                   = default
   Facilitydataarray              = default
   SendingComplete                = default

    -- Called contr1/101
       > CAPI devicestate requested for ISDN1/101
       > CAPI devicestate requested for ISDN1/101
CONNECT_CONF ID=001 #0x0003 LEN=0014
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x101
  Info                            = 0x0

    -- ISDN1: received CONNECT_CONF PLCI = 0x101
INFO_IND ID=001 #0x0006 LEN=0017
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x101
  InfoNumber                      = 0x8
  InfoElement                     = <81 bf>

INFO_RESP ID=001 #0x0006 LEN=0012
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x101

    -- ISDN1: info element CAUSE 81 bf
INFO_IND ID=001 #0x0007 LEN=0015
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x101
  InfoNumber                      = 0x805a
  InfoElement                     = default

INFO_RESP ID=001 #0x0007 LEN=0012
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x101

    -- ISDN1: info element RELEASE COMPLETE
DISCONNECT_IND ID=001 #0x0009 LEN=0014
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x101
  Reason                          = 0x34bf

DISCONNECT_RESP ID=001 #0x0009 LEN=0012
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x101

       > CAPI INFO 0x34bf: Service or option not available, unspecified
  == ISDN1: CAPI Hangingup
  == ISDN1: Interface cleanup PLCI=0x101
  == Everyone is busy/congested at this time (1:0/0/1)
       > CAPI devicestate requested for ISDN1/101
       > CAPI devicestate requested for ISDN1/101
  == Auto fallthrough, channel 'CAPI/ISDN1/115-1' status is 'CHANUNAVAIL'
  == ISDN1: Requested CONGESTION-Indication for CAPI/ISDN1/115-1
CONNECT_RESP ID=001 #0x0001 LEN=0033
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x301
  Reject                          = 0x4
   B1protocol                     = 0x0
   B2protocol                     = 0x0
   B3protocol                     = 0x0
   B1configuration                = default
   B2configuration                = default
   B3configuration                = default
   GlobalConfiguration            = default
  ConnectedNumber                 = default
  ConnectedSubaddress             = default
  LLC                             = default
   BChannelinformation            = default
   Keypadfacility                 = default
   Useruserdata                   = default
   Facilitydataarray              = default

       > CAPI devicestate requested for ISDN1/115
DISCONNECT_IND ID=001 #0x000b LEN=0014
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x301
  Reason                          = 0x34ac

DISCONNECT_RESP ID=001 #0x000b LEN=0012
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x301

       > CAPI INFO 0x34ac: Requested circuit / channel not available
  == ISDN1: CAPI Hangingup
  == ISDN1: Interface cleanup PLCI=0x301
       > CAPI devicestate requested for ISDN1/115
       > CAPI devicestate requested for ISDN1/115


exten => 115,1,Dial(CAPI/contr1/101)


[ISDN1]          ;this example interface gets name 'ISDN1' and may be any
                 ;name not starting with 'g' or 'contr'.
ntmode=yes      ;if isdn card operates in nt mode, set this to yes
                 ;when using NT-mode, 'DID' should be set in any case
incomingmsn=*    ;allow incoming calls to this list of MSNs/DIDs, * = any
;defaultcid=123  ;set a default caller id to that interface for dial-out,
                 ;this caller id will be used when dial option 'd' is set.
;controller=1    ;ISDN4BSD default
;controller=7    ;ISDN4BSD USB default
controller=1    ;capi controller number to use
group=1          ;dialout group
;prefix=0        ;set a prefix to calling number on incoming calls
softdtmf=on      ;enable/disable software dtmf detection, recommended for
AVM cards
relaxdtmf=on     ;in addition to softdtmf, you can use relaxed dtmf
accountcode=     ;Asterisk accountcode to use in CDRs
context=capi-in  ;context for incoming calls
;holdtype=hold   ;when Asterisk puts the call on hold, ISDN HOLD will be
used. If
                 ;set to 'local' (default value), no hold is done and
Asterisk may
                 ;play MOH.
;immediate=yes   ;DID: immediate start of pbx with extension 's' if no
digits were
                 ;     received on incoming call (no destination number yet)
                 ;MSN: start pbx on CONNECT_IND and don't wait for
                 ;     info like REDIRECTINGNUMBER may be lost, but this is
necessary for
                 ;     drivers/pbx/telco which does not send SETUP or
;echosquelch=1   ;_VERY_PRIMITIVE_ echo suppression
;echocancel=yes  ;EICON DIVA SERVER (CAPI) echo cancelation
                 ;(possible values: 'no', 'yes', 'force', 'g164', 'g165')
echocancelold=yes;use facility selector 6 instead of correct 8 (necessary
for older eicon drivers)
;echotail=64     ;echo cancel tail setting
;bridge=yes      ;native bridging (CAPI line interconnect) if available
;callgroup=1     ;Asterisk call group
;language=de     ;set language for this device (overwrites default language)
devices=2        ;number of concurrent calls on this controller
                 ;(2 makes sense for single BRI, 30 for PRI)


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