[Asterisk-Users] LCDC and lcd.conf, p_, c_

Ronald Wiplinger ronald at elmit.com
Wed Apr 19 01:28:22 MST 2006

I want to install LCDC, but I cannot find any description how to do it! 
There is much in the wiki!!!  
I guess one line fully understood in lcd.conf would help to get all 
other lines done ;-)

voipjet	rates/voipjet	IAX2/3462 at voipjet/${EXTEN}	""	1	1	011	announce-cost

voipjet   is the provider
rates/voipjet	where the rates are to find
IAX2/3462 at voipjet/${EXTEN}      3462 is the username at voipjet
	${EXTEN}  needs to adjusted to what I have in the dialplan (I use 9-011-countrycode)
	should than be: ${{EXTEN}:4}

what is the next "" ?
what is the next 1 ?
what is the next 1 ?    I guess this one is for dialing in USA followed 
by the area code
what is the next 011?   I guess it is the USA dialing pattern followed 
by the country code
announce-cost    or   announce-cost-euro        I am lost here! I use 
US$, the rates should therefore be already in US$. Seeing it here, how 
to make sure?

I also would like to know how to update the rates frequently (of course 
with cron).
Does anybody have more than these:

How to check if the p_ and c_ files are correct?


Ronald Wiplinger

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