[Asterisk-Users] minor(? ) Grandstream phone issue

John Novack jnovack at stromberg-carlson.org
Thu Sep 29 14:12:12 MST 2005

Shawn Rutledge wrote:

>- When there is a ring on the landline, asterisk gets the Grandstream to ring.  But then if I pick up an analog phone directly on the landline to answer the call, it doesn't notice very fast, and continues to ring 2 or 3 times.  I'm not sure if this is an asterisk issue or something else.
Certainly an Asterisk issue, but not uncommon with many telephone 
systems where an unsupervised telephone is  sharing a line.
Asterisk doesn't look at the DC state of a line  to determine if there 
has been a polarity reversal or a transition to a lower level ( such as 
when you pick up another phone ) so it has no way of knowing other than 
the ring signal disappearing.
I suspect there is some way to shorten that interval. Given the 
different ring cadences around the world it probably should not be too 
short though.

John Novack

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