[Asterisk-Users] Best Voip provider

Leif Madsen asterisk.leif.madsen at gmail.com
Sun Sep 25 08:28:59 MST 2005

On 9/25/05, trixter http://www.0xdecafbad.com <trixter at 0xdecafbad.com> wrote:
> >         what is the best voip provider that provides good
> >         service ,good voice quality and good rates . any one
> >         have  an experience with voip providers advice me.
> How do you define good service?  tech support or voip service?
> Good quality and rates to where?  A provider that may be cheap to one
> place is more expensive than others to other places.  A provider that
> has good quality calls to one country may not to another.
> Further do you want sip, iax, something else?  Or do you not care?
> Selecting one protocol over others can reduce the list somewhat
> (although most provide sip some are iax only for example).

All very good points and questions to be answered by the original
poster. However, I'll recommend Mix Networks if you're in North

Website at http://www.mixnetworks.net.

Leif Madsen - http://www.leifmadsen.com
Astricon 2005, Anaheim, CA, October 12-14

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