[Asterisk-Users] Addendum to Problem with Queues question

Crystal Stream, Incorporated crystalstreaminc at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 21 08:38:26 MST 2005

Here is the full "transaction"

    -- outgoing agentcall, to agent '1001', on
'Local/3044 at local-4fee,1'
    -- Called Agent/1001
    -- Executing Macro("Local/3044 at local-4fee,2",
"sipline|3044") in new stack
    -- Executing Dial("Local/3044 at local-4fee,2",
"SIP/3044|20|t") in new stack
    -- Called 3044

    -- SIP/3044-ea92 is ringing

    -- Agent/1001 is ringing

    -- SIP/3044-ea92 answered Local/3044 at local-4fee,2

    -- Local/3044 at local-4fee,1 answered, waiting for
'#' to acknowledge

    -- Started music on hold, class 'default', on
Local/3044 at local-4fee,2

    -- Unable to find extension '' in context
    -- Playing 'pbx-invalid' (language 'en')

Sep 21 10:30:30 WARNING[52987]: file.c:550
ast_readaudio_callback: Failed to write frame
    -- Stopped music on hold on
Local/3044 at local-4fee,2

Sep 21 10:30:30 WARNING[52987]: res_features.c:450
ast_bridge_call: Bridge failed on channels
Local/3044 at local-4fee,2 and SIP/3044-ea92
  == Spawn extension (macro-sipline, s, 1) exited

Why doesn't ast_bridge_call do it's thing 

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