[Asterisk-Users] HooDaHek 0.6 Released

Shawn Rutledge shawn.t.rutledge at gmail.com
Tue Sep 20 13:41:44 MST 2005

On 9/20/05, Nathan Pralle <tarsi at binhost.com> wrote:
> database on an incoming call?"  Much head smacketh ensued, and as I made

Thou hast confused the present tense with the present participle. 
Thou couldest have written "<smacketh head smartly>" but perchance it
is better to write "there was much head-smacking and gnashing of
teeth" in this case, if thou so desirest to express thyself in the old
tongue.  The "eth" suffix is oft abused, and oft he who writeth it
knoweth not the rules.

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