***SPAM*** [Asterisk-Users] actionID on manager events

Joerg Lauer lauer at osiag.de
Thu Sep 15 02:16:25 MST 2005

Michael George wrote:
> Hello, all!
> I'm looking at the wiki page and info on the mailing list and I'm getting
> conflicting info...
> I am using the manager API from the telnet CLI and I am testing creating calls
> with it.  I login with events: on and I can originate calls just fine.
> However, when I set ActionID on an Originate, I cannot see anywhere where that
> actionid carries into the Event output.
> But I found this on a post from January:
>    Yes, ActionID is a value you can use when issuing a command.  It there so
> 	that you can be sure you respond to your own responses not to someone else's
> 	or that you respond to an response instance in the correct way.  In a
> 	multi-threaded app you might have several actions outstanding so you will
> 	need to know what response corresponds to which command.
> Which indicates that the actionid should be coming through.  Is there perhaps
> some setting I'm missing?
> Thanks!


have you set Async attribute of your Originate Action to 'true'?

Because as far as I know Events are only generated if it is set to true.


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