[Asterisk-Users] PBX Replacement

Sean Cook scook at kinex.net
Wed Sep 7 08:53:19 MST 2005

I am getting ready to spec out a replacement for a Merlin Legend system
with asterisk.  There are a couple of things that holding me up that
hopefully someone here can answer.

1.  How well do modems work through a channel back to a PRI/T1

2.  Is there a decent receptionist phone (I don't want to use FOP) to
replace the system that our receptionists are already familiar with?  I
know that there is some discussion on the cisco 7914s and the SNom side
car... but do they work?  and how well...

3.  Network suggestions... this is more open ended.. we are currently
100mb to the desktop, however the switches are garbage and I have heard
that it is best to vlan the voice traffic away from the data traffic...


Sean Cook
Network Engineer
Kinex Networking

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