[Asterisk-Users] Rugged VoIP phones for use with asterisk

asterisk at frameweb.it asterisk at frameweb.it
Mon Oct 31 08:13:03 MST 2005

Is there anyone who knows where to find rugged IP phones?

Rugged in this case means that need to be installed on a ship's deck, so it
must be water resistant, anyway compliant with IP 65 specification
(protected against dust and jets of water).


| Francesco Pellegrini           |
|      Frame Srl                 |
|      Via Antonio Cantore 62/10 |
|      16149 Genova              |
|      Tel.   +39 010 8680570    |
|      Fax.  +39 010 6591413     |
|      Cell.  +348 2237798       |

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