[Asterisk-Users] Credit card machines, Asterisk and Digium any issues?

Chuck Bunn chuck.bunn at networkdoc.com
Sat Oct 29 09:31:05 MST 2005


We want to be able to use any of 4 outgoing lines (POTS connected to FXO 
cards on a Digium TDM400P card) for a credit card machine (you know 
those little machines that have a phone line attached and are in many 
small establishments) We have 4 FXS for analog phones and 2 credit card 
machines. Are there any issues that I might encounter doing this? I 
assume it is just like a analog fax machine searching for an available 
line to go out on. Also if any one has done this and can shared their 
configuration I would really appreciate it.


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