[Asterisk-Users] Incoming calls via CAPI and AVM Fritz Card

Esteban Guana-Jarrin egua5261 at hotmail.com
Tue Oct 25 19:29:27 MST 2005

Can anyone please provide some help. I have installed an AVM fritz card on 
an asterisk box (asterisk at home version 1.5). I have installed the card 
driver and chan_capi-cm-0.6. According to the installations guide I can now 
see that the CAPI channel in asterisk is up,

*CLI> capi info
Contr1: 2 B channels total, 2 B channels free.

I set up a trunk and the dialstring includes the following,


My capi.conf is,

;ulaw=yes        ;set this, if you live in u-law world instead of a-law

; interface sections ...

[ISDN1]          ;this example interface gets name 'ISDN1' and may be any
                 ;name not starting with 'g' or 'contr'.
;ntmode=yes      ;if isdn card operates in nt mode, set this to yes
isdnmode=msn     ;'MSN' (point-to-multipoint) or 'DID' (direct inward dial)
                 ;when using NT-mode, ptp should be set in any case
incomingmsn=*    ;allow incoming calls to this list of MSNs/DIDs, * == any
;controller=0    ;ISDN4BSD default
;controller=7    ;ISDN4BSD USB default
controller=1     ;capi controller number to use
group=1          ;dialout group
;prefix=0        ;set a prefix to calling number on incoming calls
softdtmf=on      ;enable/disable software dtmf detection, recommended for 
AVM cards
relaxdtmf=on     ;in addition to softdtmf, you can use relaxed dtmf 
accountcode=     ;Asterisk accountcode to use in CDRs
;context=capi-in  ;context for incoming calls
holdtype=hold    ;when Asterisk puts the call on hold, ISDN HOLD will be 
used. If
                 ;set to 'local' (default value), no hold is done and 
Asterisk may
                 ;play MOH.
;immediate=yes   ;immediate start of pbx with extension 's' if no digits 
                 ;received on incoming call (no destination number yet)
;echosquelch=1   ;_VERY_PRIMITIVE_ echo suppression
;echocancel=yes  ;EICON DIVA SERVER (CAPI) echo cancelation
                 ;(possible values: 'no', 'yes', 'force', 'g164', 'g165')
echocancelold=yes;use facility selector 6 instead of correct 8 (necessary 
for older eicon drivers)
;echotail=64     ;echo cancel tail setting
;bridge=yes      ;native bridging (CAPI line interconnect) if available
;callgroup=1     ;Asterisk call group
;deflect=1234567 ;deflect incoming calls to 1234567 if all B channels are 
devices=2        ;number of concurrent calls on this controller
                 ;(2 makes sense for single BRI, 30 for PRI)

I can't see that a number is assigned to msn, but I read somewhere on this 
list that for this latest version of chan_capi this is not required.

I connected the asterisk box to the ISDN line, which belongs to a Hunt group 
with number as shown in the dialstring and when ringing that number from an 
external line I do not get any tone and asterisk does not log any 
indications of incoming calls via the CAPI channel

Can anyone please shed some light on what do I need to do in order to be 
able to receive calls via this setup.

Thanks in advance,


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