[Asterisk-users] Asterisk Realtime - MySQL Extension registration problem

tijmen van den brink tijmen.vandenbrink at gmail.com
Mon Oct 24 02:34:22 MST 2005

Hi all,

I'm trying to register an extension but when I do so I get the following

Sep 24 06:22:46 WARNING[18152]: res_config_mysql.c:135 realtime_mysql: MySQL
RealTime: Failed to query database. Check debug for more info.
Sep 24 06:22:46 NOTICE[18152]: chan_sip.c:10774 handle_request_register:
Registration from '1001 <sip:1001 at>' failed for
- Username/auth name mismatch

I checked wether asterisk was connected to the MySQL database and it appears
to be connected.

asterisk1*CLI> realtime mysql status
Connected to asterisk at localhost, port 3306 with username **blahblah** for 2
days, 12 hours, 33 minutes, 42 seconds.

My database looks like this

sip-peers  Field Type Null Default Links to Comments MIME  id int(11)
No      name
varchar(80) No       type varchar(6) No friend      username
varchar(80) No      secret
varchar(80) No       qualify char(3) No       callerid varchar(80) No      host
varchar(31) No       dtmfmode varchar(4) No info      ipaddr
varchar(15) No

Indexes:  Keyname Type Cardinality Field  PRIMARY  PRIMARY  2  id

  Space usage:  Type Usage  Data 112 Bytes  Index 2,048 Bytes  Total 2,160
Bytes    Row Statistics:  Statements Value  Format dynamic  Rows 2  Row
length � 56   Row size � 1,080 Bytes  Next Autoindex 3  Creation Sep 21,
2005 at 05:58 PM  Last update Sep 21, 2005 at 05:58 PM
I filled my database with 2 extension like this:

 SQL result

*Host:* localhost
*Database:* asterisk
*Generation Time:* Sep 24, 2005 at 06:27 AM
*Generated by:* phpMyAdmin 2.6.4 / MySQL 4.1.14-log
*SQL query:* SELECT * FROM `sip-peers` LIMIT 0, 30 ;
*Rows:* 2
  id  name  type  username  secret  qualify  callerid  host  dtmfmode ipaddr
1  friend 1006 1006 yes Extensie 1006 dynamic info   2  friend 1001
1001 yes Extensie
1001 dynamic info
I think I did something wrong making the database or filling it, might just
be some missing field or something. But somehow I can't figure out what's
going wrong.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance


Tijmen van den Brink
Wilhelminaweg 46
3441 XC Woerden
Tel: 0642233831
MSN: tijmenvandenbrink at hotmail.com
Skype: tijmenvdbrink at skype.com
SIP:697116 at fwd.pulver.com
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