[Asterisk-Users] Problem with select correct network interface (oh323)

Oleh Mukha fly at ic.lviv.ua
Wed Oct 19 02:28:39 MST 2005

i build asterisk on pc with 3 network inerface
eth0 (yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy) main public ip 
eth1 (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx) seconf public ip used only for voip connection
eth2 (zzz.zzz.zzz.zzz) local ip 
i config oh323 to bind eth1 interface 
i try make call 
from my local network -> Asterisk -> provider h323

when i try to call from ata 186 throught my astersik oh323 module
asetrisk resive calls from ata but send it to my oh323 providet not from eth1 
(with ip xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx) or from eth0 (ip yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy) 

how can i tel asterisk send data from me to my provider from eth1 (ip  

Oleh Mukha

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