[Asterisk-Users] Dial plan questions

Neil Cherry ncherry at comcast.net
Sun Oct 16 08:55:44 MST 2005

Humberto Aicardi wrote:
> Neil,
>    When you use the Dial command you must specify the device to use for 
> dialing, so you cannot use Dial(2201,20) you must use Dial(SIP/2201,20) 
> which informs to use the the SIP device 2201.

Ah, thanks! That worked with a second extension I set up (SIP/2202). It
goes to busy on the SIP/2201 (I test ring, busy & unavailable on SIP/2202
and it works fine). So now I need to figure out why Asterisk sees SIP/2201
as (Unspecified).

mozart*CLI> sip show peers
Name/username  Host            Dyn Nat ACL Mask             Port    Status
2202/2202   D  5060    OK (16 ms)
2201/2201      (Unspecified)    D  0       UNKNOWN
pstn/pstn   D  5061    OK (16 ms)
3 sip peers [2 online , 1 offline]

Dang Grandstream!

Linux Home Automation         Neil Cherry       ncherry at comcast.net
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