[Asterisk-Users] [ISDN] Problem: Device '/dev/ttyI1' lacking dialtone

Dave Cotton dcotton at linuxautrement.com
Fri Oct 14 01:31:51 MST 2005

On Fri, 2005-10-14 at 10:15 +0200, Patrick de Kok wrote:
> All,
> Currently I've got my Asterisk machine running smoothly on IP bases.
> Meaning I can reach all phones or softphones within my LAN or remote
> LAN's via VPN. The next step for me is connecting it to the PSTN
> network.
> After some tweaking with the modem.conf I got the i4l driver running
> correctly, and it appears that my Fritz! ISDN v2 card is working
> correctly.

I have never used i4l with * but have systems running without any
problems using chan_capi and 1 or even 2 Fritz! cards. The only
'tweaking' needed was the patching for the second card.

Dave Cotton <dcotton at linuxautrement.com>

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