[Asterisk-Users] link quality monitor

marek cervenka cervajs at fpf.slu.cz
Thu Oct 13 06:12:17 MST 2005


do you someone know tool that can get data like 
latency/bandwith/jitter/packet loss (in one program)
- it must be functional behind nat
- multiplatform (AJAX,java applet)
- preferably on SIP and IAX ports
- can be client/server
- easy to use ;)

Marek Cervenka
Centrum Vypocetni Techniky
CVT 		- http://cvt.fpf.slu.cz
FPF SLU OPAVA 	- http://www.fpf.slu.cz
LCNA 		- http://lcna.slu.cz

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