[Asterisk-Users] Asterisk behaving wierd!!

Augustine Olaifa austino at skannet.com
Mon Oct 10 14:48:41 MST 2005


I have been using asterisk now for about 2 years now on a RH8.0 it is our
main call gateway.
I have on the box 3 T1 TDM cards connected to 2 Rhino channel
banks (FXS) and 1 CAC Access bank I (FXO) with so many softphones and ATA

It has been working good till today some few hours ago. i just
discovered that there were no dialtone on the phones.
Asterisk did not spit out any error, it tried reloading but there was no
response, i did a "stop now" and it gave no such command "use help", i did
a help and i saw that  both "stop gracefully and stop now" were missing in
the list.

At this stage i started to wonder what could be wrong because i still use
"stop now" just a few days ago, and i have not changed the CVS i am
I am running CVS-03/20/04:11:01. So i checked for any IRQ conflict using
(/proc/interrupts and lspci -v) there was no conflict, all the cards were
on separate IRQs (3,5,10) which was fine.
i removed all the cards on the system and tried starting asterisk again
but it will not start,it stops at:

  == Manager registered action Command
  == Manager registered action ExtensionState
  == Manager registered action AbsoluteTimeout
  == Manager registered action MailboxCount
  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/manager.conf': Found
  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/rtp.conf': Found
  == RTP Allocating from port range 10000 -> 20000
Asterisk PBX Core Initializing
Registering builtin applications:
  == Registered application 'AbsoluteTimeout'
  == Registered application 'Answer'
  == Registered application 'BackGround'
  == Registered application 'Busy'
  == Registered application 'Congestion'
  == Registered application 'DigitTimeout'
  == Registered application 'Goto'
  == Registered application 'GotoIf'
  == Registered application 'GotoIfTime'
  == Registered application 'Hangup'
  == Registered application 'NoOp'
  == Registered application 'Prefix'
  == Registered application 'ResetCDR'
  == Registered application 'ResponseTimeout'
  == Registered application 'Ringing'
  == Registered application 'SayNumber'
  == Registered application 'SayDigits'
  == Registered application 'SetAccount'
  == Registered application 'SetGlobalVar'
  == Registered application 'SetLanguage'
  == Registered application 'SetVar'
  == Registered application 'StripMSD'
  == Registered application 'Suffix'
  == Registered application 'Wait'
Asterisk Dynamic Loader Starting:
  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/modules.conf': Found
 [chan_modem.so] => (Generic Voice Modem Driver)
  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/modem.conf': Found
  == Loading modem driver chan_modem_aopen.so => (A/Open (Rockwell Chipset) ITU-2 VoiceModem Driver)
  == Registered channel type 'Modem' (Generic Voice Modem Channel Driver)
 [res_musiconhold.so] => (Music On Hold Resource)
  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/musiconhold.conf': Found
  == Registered application 'MusicOnHold'
  == Registered application 'WaitMusicOnHold'
  == Registered application 'SetMusicOnHold'
 [res_adsi.so] => (ADSI Resource)
  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/adsi.conf': Found
 [res_parking.so] => (Call Parking Resource)
  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/parking.conf': Found
    -- Registered extension context 'parkedcalls'
    -- Added extension '701' priority 1 to parkedcalls
    -- Added extension '702' priority 1 to parkedcalls
    -- Added extension '703' priority 1 to parkedcalls
    -- Added extension '704' priority 1 to parkedcalls
    -- Added extension '705' priority 1 to parkedcalls
    -- Added extension '706' priority 1 to parkedcalls
    -- Added extension '707' priority 1 to parkedcalls
    -- Added extension '708' priority 1 to parkedcalls
    -- Added extension '709' priority 1 to parkedcalls
    -- Added extension '710' priority 1 to parkedcalls
    -- Added extension '711' priority 1 to parkedcalls
    -- Added extension '712' priority 1 to parkedcalls
    -- Added extension '713' priority 1 to parkedcalls
    -- Added extension '714' priority 1 to parkedcalls
    -- Added extension '715' priority 1 to parkedcalls
    -- Added extension '716' priority 1 to parkedcalls
    -- Added extension '717' priority 1 to parkedcalls
    -- Added extension '718' priority 1 to parkedcalls
    -- Added extension '719' priority 1 to parkedcalls
    -- Added extension '720' priority 1 to parkedcalls
  == Registered application 'ParkedCall'
  == Manager registered action ParkedCalls
 [res_crypto.so] => (Cryptographic Digital Signatures)
    -- Loaded PUBLIC key 'iaxtel'
 [res_indications.so] => (Indications Configuration)
  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/indications.conf': Found
    -- Registered indication country 'us'
    -- Setting default indication country to 'us'
  == Registered application 'Playtones'
  == Registered application 'StopPlaytones'
 [res_monitor.so] => (Call Monitoring Resource)
  == Registered application 'Monitor'
  == Registered application 'StopMonitor'
  == Registered application 'ChangeMonitor'
  == Manager registered action Monitor
  == Manager registered action StopMonitor
  == Manager registered action ChangeMonitor
 [chan_iax.so] => (Inter Asterisk eXchange)
  == Manager registered action IAX1peers
  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/iax1.conf': Found
  == Using TOS bits 0
  == Registered channel type 'IAX1' (Inter Asterisk eXchange Drver)
  == Registered channel type 'IAX' (Inter Asterisk eXchange Drver)
  == IAX Ready and Listening on port 5036
 [chan_sip.so] => (Session Initiation Protocol (SIP))
  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/sip.conf': Found
  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/sip.conf.skannet': Found
    -- SIP Seeding '2801' at 2801 at for 240
    -- SIP Seeding '2802' at 2802 at for 240
    -- SIP Seeding '2805' at 2805 at for 60
    -- SIP Seeding '2806' at 2806 at for 60
    -- SIP Seeding '2800001' at 2800001 at for 280
    -- SIP Seeding '3101' at 3101 at for 30
    -- SIP Seeding '3102' at 3102 at for 30
    -- SIP Seeding '4201' at 4201 at for 280
    -- SIP Seeding '281078731' at 281078731 at for 240
  == SIP Listening on
  == Using TOS bits 24
  == Registered channel type 'SIP' (Session Initiation Protocol (SIP))
  == Registered application 'SIPDtmfMode'
 [chan_modem_bestdata.so] => (BestData (Conexant V.90 Chipset) VoiceModem Driver)
 [chan_modem_i4l.so] => (ISDN4Linux Emulated Modem Driver)
 [chan_agent.so] => (Agent Proxy Channel)
  == Registered channel type 'Agent' (Call Agent Proxy Channel)
  == Registered application 'AgentLogin'
  == Registered application 'AgentCallbackLogin'
  == Registered application 'AgentMonitorOutgoing'
  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/agents.conf': Found
 [skipping chan_mgcp.so]
 [skipping chan_iax2.so]
 [chan_local.so] => (Local Proxy Channel)
  == Registered channel type 'Local' (Local Proxy Channel Driver)
 [chan_skinny.so] => (Skinny Client Control Protocol (Skinny))
  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/skinny.conf': Found
  == Skinny listening on
  == Registered channel type 'Skinny' (Skinny Client Control Protocol (Skinny))
 [skipping chan_oss.so]
 [chan_phone.so] => (Linux Telephony API Support)
  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/phone.conf': Found
  == Registered channel type 'Phone' (Standard Linux Telephony API Driver)
 [skipping chan_zap.so]
 [pbx_config.so] => (Text Extension Configuration)
  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/extensions.conf': Found
    -- Registered extension context 'super'
    -- Including context 'prepaid' in context 'super'
    -- Including context 'default' in context 'super'
    -- Including context 'postpaid' in context 'super'
    -- Registered extension context 'postpaid'
    -- Including context 'prepaid' in context 'postpaid'
    -- Including context 'default' in context 'postpaid'
    -- Including context 'staff' in context 'postpaid'
    -- Added extension '_0[1-9]X.' priority 1 to postpaid
    -- Added extension '_00X.' priority 1 to postpaid
    -- Added extension '_7111' priority 1 to postpaid
    -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to postpaid
    -- Added extension 's' priority 2 to postpaid
    -- Added extension 's' priority 3 to postpaid
    -- Registered extension context 'default'
    -- Including context 'prepaid' in context 'default'
    -- Including context 'incoming' in context 'default'
    -- Including context 'staff' in context 'default'
    -- Including context 'services' in context 'default'
    -- Added extension '_9X.' priority 1 to default
    -- Added extension '_908X.' priority 1 to default
    -- Registered extension context 'office'
    -- Including context 'daytime' in context 'office'
    -- Including context 'prepaid' in context 'office'
    -- Including context 'staff' in context 'office'
    -- Registered extension context 'prepaid'
    -- Including context 'booth-oshin' in context 'prepaid'
    -- Including context 'staff' in context 'prepaid'
    -- Added extension '_150' priority 1 to prepaid
    -- Added extension '_150' priority 2 to prepaid
    -- Added extension '_150' priority 3 to prepaid
    -- Added extension '_150' priority 4 to prepaid
    -- Added extension '_150' priority 5 to prepaid
    -- Added extension '_150' priority 6 to prepaid
    -- Registered extension context 'prepaid-auto'
    -- Including context 'nitel-oshin' in context 'prepaid-auto'
    -- Including context 'staff' in context 'prepaid-auto'
    -- Added extension '_X.' priority 1 to prepaid-auto
    -- Added extension '_X.' priority 2 to prepaid-auto
    -- Added extension '_X.' priority 3 to prepaid-auto
    -- Added extension '_X.' priority 4 to prepaid-auto
    -- Registered extension context 'sip'
    -- Including context 'prepaid' in context 'sip'
    -- Including context 'staff' in context 'sip'
    -- Registered extension context 'services'
    -- Added extension '8000' priority 1 to services
    -- Added extension '8001' priority 1 to services
    -- Added extension '8002' priority 1 to services
    -- Added extension '8003' priority 1 to services
    -- Added extension '8003' priority 2 to services
    -- Added extension '8003' priority 3 to services
    -- Added extension '8003' priority 5 to services
    -- Registered extension context 'staff'
    -- Added extension '108' priority 1 to staff
    -- Added extension '108' priority 2 to staff
    -- Added extension '123' priority 1 to staff
    -- Added extension '123' priority 2 to staff
    -- Added extension '3101' priority 1 to staff
    -- Added extension '3101' priority 2 to staff
    -- Added extension '119' priority 2 to staff
    -- Added extension '105' priority 1 to staff
    -- Including context 'office' in context 'staff'
    -- Including context 'services' in context 'staff'
    -- Including context 'prepaid' in context 'staff'
    -- Including context 'pins' in context 'staff'
    -- Including context 'helpdeskqueue' in context 'staff'
    -- Registered extension context 'booth-oshin'
    -- Added extension '300' priority 1 to booth-oshin
    -- Added extension '300' priority 2 to booth-oshin
    -- Added extension '303' priority 1 to booth-oshin
    -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to incoming
    -- Added extension '4' priority 1 to incoming
    -- Added extension 's' priority 9 to incoming
    -- Registered extension context 'daytime'
    -- Added extension '_9X.' priority 1 to daytime
    -- Added extension '_908X.' priority 1 to daytime
    -- Registered extension context 'pins'
    -- Added extension '_500' priority 1 to pins
    -- Added extension '_500' priority 2 to pins
    -- Added extension '_500' priority 3 to pins
    -- Added extension '_500' priority 4 to pins
    -- Including context 'staff' in context 'pins'
    -- Registered extension context 'helpdeskqueue'
    -- Added extension '202' priority 1 to helpdeskqueue
    -- Added extension '101' priority 1 to helpdeskqueue
    -- Added extension '102' priority 1 to helpdeskqueue
    -- Added extension '201' priority 1 to helpdeskqueue
    -- Added extension '202' priority 2 to helpdeskqueue
    -- Added extension '202' priority 3 to helpdeskqueue

 it stops here.

When i replaced the cards it stops at loading the chan_iax2.so,
manager registered action IAXpeers
parsing '/etc/asterisk/iax.conf.': found
parsing '/etc/asterisk/iax.conf.skannet:found

 after a few seconds  "Unix remote connection"
where that comes from i do not know..

I  run the supervise program on the asterisk sevice so i have it restart
itself if it goes down i have also redirected its output to tty9 and there it
says that asterisk is running
but never gets to the normal asterisk prompt (*CLI>).

when i do "asterisk -vr" from another machine or terminal it just stays
there and does not get to the prompt and all the phones still do not have

Any suggestions please!

Olaifa Augustine
General Data Engineering Services Ltd
18b oshin road,kongi bodija
p.o.box 29460, secretariate,
tel:- 234-2-8105156

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