[Asterisk-Users] Any way to not overwrite sound files on compile?

Adam Goryachev mailinglists at websitemanagers.com.au
Wed Oct 5 23:32:06 MST 2005

On Fri, 2005-09-30 at 10:51 -0500, Kevin P. Fleming wrote:
> Matt wrote:
> > A post-install would be great (or I myself can write a script)... it
> > isn't that big of a deal.. I just wanted to see if I was over looking
> > something.   Tagging the sound directory for a version would also be
> > good.... but if there is no way (and I do understand the reasoning)
> > then I can just write a simple shell script to copy my files back and
> > keep them safe elsewhere.
> It's in CVS HEAD now, it will look for /usr/sbin/asterisk-post-install 
> and execute it.

My 0.02c worth... How about automatically looking for sound files
in .../asterisk/sounds/local/vm-login.* before looking
for .../asterisk/sounds/vm-login.*

This would probably make things easier/better for people making asterisk
packages such as deb/rpm/etc...


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