[Asterisk-Users] RE: Asterisk-Users Digest, Vol 16, Issue 232

Michaël Gaudette michael.gaudette at virtutel.ca
Tue Nov 29 13:49:59 MST 2005

I tried that, didn`t do anything. My guess is that the serveremail line
changes the name in the from field, but not the MAIL FROM: call in SMTP.


> It seems that in both the 1.0 line and the 1.2 line, the [general] 
> section of voicemail.conf has an option:
> ; Who the e-mail notification should appear to come from
> serveremail=user at somedomain.com
> Moj
> Michakl Gaudette wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I`m a beginning Asterisk and Sendmail user.  I am trying to setup my
> > voicemail to send emails to a certain email address. It 
> doesn't work, and I
> > think I've figured out what it is.  There is probably a 
> spam-feature at my
> > provider (that I am using as smart host in sendmail) to not 
> accept emails
> > coming from root at localhost.localdomain.
> > 
> > If I start a telnet session on port 25 locally and go at it 
> manually, an
> > email with MAIL FROM: root at localhost.localdomain never 
> makes it, while the
> > exact same email with MAIL FROM: test at mydomain.com actually 
> gwets to my
> > inbox.
> > 
> > How do I make it so that asterisk emails as send using 
> user at somedomain.com
> > instead of root at localhost.localdomain.  Is it an asterisk thing or a
> > Sendmail problem? Because my logs show that the email is send from
> > root at localhost.localdomain.

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