[Asterisk-Users] Small office with all employee's offsite
Jason Marshall
marshalj at spots.ab.ca
Tue Nov 29 12:44:51 MST 2005
Thanks Colin, this is a fantastic list! All I need to do now is get my
butt in gear and set up the box(es)!
> I am using this dialplan with DID's to great effect, I have 130 guys doing
> exactly what was discussed here. After 12 seconds ringing their SIP or IAX
> client, the dialplan calls the cell automatically, during working hours. If
> they don't pick up after 18 seconds, voicemail. After hours, both phones
> are dialed concurrently. Also, fax detection is automatic so DID is desk
> phone, cell phone, and fax.
> Using it this way completely obviates the need for call forwarding; I find
> CF more of a hassle than it's worth because people are dumb and forget that
> calls are CF'd then complain that their phone isn't working.
> Note voicemail box is the same as last 4 digits of DID. This simplifies
> enduser training.
> Permission given to steal this dialplan logic outright if you can put up
> with my sloppy code.
> [from-pstn]
> ;8259 is a single DID for example purposes. All this does is set variables,
> then dumps the caller to a dialing context
> ;TODO: Make variable setting dynamically loaded from a database
> exten => 8259,1,SetVar(FAXEMAIL=karenk at landmarkmasterbuilder.com); email
> address to send faxes to
> exten => 8259,2,SetVar(PRIMARYDIALSTRING=IAX2/landmark:1111 at whitemudridge)
> ;desk phone
> exten => 8259,3,SetVar(SECONDARYDIALSTRING=ZAP/g0/9024985) ;cell phone
> number
> exten => 8259,4,SetVar(TERTIARYDIALSTRING=) ;3rd number line a home number
> exten => 8259,5,SetVar(CALLRECIPIENT=Karen Kelly) ;who the person is
> exten => 8259,6,SetVar(WORKSCHEDULE=SHOWHOMEHOURS) ;what their working
> schedule is
> exten => 8259,7,SetVar(BUILDING=BUILDING1) ;building that they report to
> exten => 8259,8,SetVar(IVRVM=vm) ;after dialplan is exhausted, send them to
> voicemail or to another context?
> exten => 8259,9,SetVar(MAILBOX=8259) ;Mailbox number
> exten => 8259,10,Goto(dial-internal,s,1)
> [dial-internal]
> exten => _s,1,Answer()
> exten => _s,2,Wait(2);Wait 2 seconds for a fax CNG tone
> exten => _s,3,Gotoif($["${WORKSCHEDULE}" = "BUSINESSHOURS" ]?bushours,1)
> exten => _s,4,Gotoif($["${WORKSCHEDULE}" = "SHOWHOMEHOURS"
> ]?showhomehours,1)
> exten => _s,5,Gotoif($["${WORKSCHEDULE}" = "SHOWHOMEHOURSSHORT"
> ]?showhomehoursshort,1)
> exten => _s,6,Goto(bushours,1);If there is no schedule set, assume Business
> Hours
> exten => bushours,1,Gotoiftime(*|sat|*?dialsecondary,1)
> exten => bushours,2,Gotoiftime(*|sun|*?dialsecondary,1)
> exten => bushours,3,Gotoiftime(8:00-17:00|mon-fri|*|*?dialprimary,1)
> exten => bushours,4,Goto(dialprimary,1) ;If there's a time in this range
> that doesn't fit the above, dial the Primary number anyway
> exten => showhomehours,1,Gotoiftime(*|fri|*?dialsecondary,1)
> exten => showhomehours,2,Gotoiftime(15:00-20:00|*|*?dialprimary,1)
> exten => showhomehours,3,Gotoiftime(12:00-18:00|sat-sun|*?dialprimary,1)
> exten => showhomehours,4,Goto(dialsecondary,1) ;If there's a time in this
> range that doesn't fit the above, dial the Primary number anyway
> exten => showhomehoursshort,1,Gotoiftime(*|fri|*?dialsecondary,1)
> exten => showhomehoursshort,2,Gotoiftime(14:00-20:00|*|*?dialprimary,1)
> exten =>
> showhomehoursshort,3,Gotoiftime(11:00-18:00|sat-sun|*?dialprimary,1)
> exten => showhomehoursshort,4,Goto(dialsecondary,1) ;If there's a time in
> this range that doesn't fit the above, dial the Primary number anyway
> exten => dialprimary,1,SetCallerID(${CALLERIDNUM})
> exten => dialprimary,2,Gotoif($["${PRIMARYDIALSTRING}foo" != "foo" ]?3:5)
> ;Check for a NULL Primary Dialstring if it is null go to secondary
> exten => dialprimary,3,ChanIsAvail(${PRIMARYDIALSTRING}) ; check if the
> dialstring's channel is available if not go to secondary number
> exten => dialprimary,4,Dial(${PRIMARYDIALSTRING},12,T)
> exten => dialprimary,5,Goto(dialsecondary,1) ;If user does not pick up in 12
> seconds dial his cell (secondary number)
> exten => dialprimary,104,Goto(dialsecondary,1)
> exten => dialsecondary,1,SetCallerID(${CALLERIDNUM})
> exten => dialsecondary,2,Gotoif($["${SECONDARYDIALSTRING}foo" != "foo"
> ]?3:5) ;Check for a NULL Secondary Dialstring if it is null go to tertiary
> exten => dialsecondary,3,ChanIsAvail(${SECONDARYDIALSTRING}); check if the
> dialstring's channel is available if not go to tertiary number
> exten =>
> exten => dialsecondary,5,Goto(dialtertiary,1) ;If user does not pick up in
> 18 seconds dial his tertiary number, or voicemail
> exten => dialsecondary,104,Goto(dialtertiary,1)
> ;Tertiary dialing not done yet, instead user is just sent to voicemail
> exten => dialtertiary,1,Goto(ivr-vm,1)
> exten => dialtertiary,102,Goto(ivr-vm,1)
> ;We can also modify the IVRVM variable to send the caller to an IVR if IVRVM
> is not set to the string "vm"
> exten => ivr-vm,1,Gotoif($["${IVRVM}" = "vm" ]?2:3)
> exten => ivr-vm,2,Voicemail(u${MAILBOX}@default)
> exten => ivr-vm,3,Goto(${IVRVM},s,1)
> ;Inbound faxes are indicated to the user by momentarily dialing their
> extension with Caller ID like this: "Fax: 4035551212"
> ;In actual use, the Primary dialstring which is typically SIP or IAX works
> perfect every time
> ;but Secondary numbers like cell phones, the dialstring timeout is way, way
> too short. Oh well.
> exten => fax,1,SetVar(TEMPHOLDER=${CALLERIDNUM})
> exten => fax,2,SetCallerID(Fax: ${CALLERIDNUM})
> exten => fax,4,SetCallerID(${TEMPHOLDER})
> exten => fax,5,Goto(fax-exception,exception,1)
> [fax-exception]
> ;Fax exception to send fax machines "incompatible" with SpanDSP to a REAL
> fax, this list is trimmed for readability
> ;In our rollout, there are actually 160 numbers out of several thousand that
> can potentially send to us. Pretty good, yay Steve U!
> ;TODO DeadAGI script that automatically maintains this list
> exten => exception,1,Wait(1)
> exten => exception,2,GotoIf($["${CALLERIDNUM}" = "7804365798" ]?realfax,1:3)
> exten => exception,3,Gotoif($["${CALLERIDNUM}" = "7809292186" ]?realfax,1:4)
> exten => exception,4,Gotoif($["${CALLERIDNUM}" = "7804369640"
> ]?realfax,1:5);etc,etc add numbers as you encounter them
> exten => exception,5 ,Goto(virtualfax,1)
> exten => virtualfax,1,Macro(faxreceive)
> exten => virtualfax,2,System(/etc/asterisk/emailfax ${FAXFILE} ${FAXEMAIL}
> ;we have 3 buildings that a "real" fax can go to, this extension determines
> the building, sends it to the right building, sends an email
> ;to the recipient informing them that their expected fax was received on
> hardcopy,
> ;and informs the receptionist via email that a hardcopy fax came in and
> please to distribute it to the recipient
> exten => realfax,1,GotoIf($["${BUILDING}" = "BUILDING1" ]?2:8)
> exten => realfax,2,SetVar(REPEMAIL=receptionist at landmarkmasterbuilder.com)
> exten => realfax,3,Gotoif($["${FAXEMAIL}foo" = "foo" ]?6:4)
> exten => realfax,4,Gotoif($["${CALLRECIPIENT}" != "Landmark Office"
> ]?5:6);Check for fax DID. If fax DID, inform ONLY the receptionist of the
> fax
> exten => realfax,5,System(/etc/asterisk/emailfaxlogbuilding1 ${FAXEMAIL}
> exten => realfax,6,System(/etc/asterisk/emailfaxlogreception ${REPEMAIL}
> exten => realfax,7,Dial(ZAP/g0/7023011);Fax number of REAL fax for Building
> 1
> exten => realfax,8,GotoIf($["${BUILDING}" = "BUILDING2" ]?9:15)
> exten => realfax,9,SetVar(REPEMAIL=deborahm at summerhillhomes.ca)
> exten => realfax,10,Gotoif($["${FAXEMAIL}foo" = "foo" ]?11:13)
> exten => realfax,11,Gotoif($["${CALLRECIPIENT}" != "Summerhill Office"
> ]?12:13)
> exten => realfax,12,System(/etc/asterisk/emailfaxlogbuilding2 ${FAXEMAIL}
> exten => realfax,13,System(/etc/asterisk/emailfaxlogreception ${REPEMAIL}
> exten => realfax,14,Dial(ZAP/g0/7028268) ;Fax number of REAL fax for
> Building 2
> exten => realfax,15,GotoIf($["${BUILDING}" = "BUILDING3" ]?15:16)
> exten => realfax,16,Dial(ZAP/g0/7023011) ;Fax number of REAL fax for
> exten => realfax,17,NoOp(Temporary placeholder)
> exten => realfax,18,NoOp(Temporary placeholder)
> ;We put the FAX extension in this context in case somehow a fax call winds
> up in this context but is not detected properly
> exten => fax,1,Goto(exception,1)
> exten => fax,2,Goto(realfax,1)
> hth
> -----Original Message-----
> From: James Armstrong [mailto:james at thearmstrongs.org]
> Sent: Tuesday, November 29, 2005 11:34 AM
> To: Asterisk Users Mailing List - Non-Commercial Discussion
> Subject: Re: [Asterisk-Users] Small office with all employee's offsite
> Jason Marshall wrote:
>>> OK, then this is easy. Instal Asterisk in the central location, along
>>> with a Sipura SPA-3000. Configure that unit to answer the incoming
>>> POTS line and act as a VOIP gateway for Asterisk. Then configure two
>>> additional SPA-3000 units, one at each employee's location. Then,
>>> configure Asterisk (I recommend Asterisk at Home for your setup, BTW) to
>>> route the incoming call to the right extension based on time of day,
>>> auto-attendant, whatever. The SPA-3000 units at each remote site will
>>> also be able to accept the employee's incoming POTS line and pass that
>>> call through to the phone they normally use without resorting to
>>> sending it to the Asterisk server and back. (It's all in the SPA-3000
>>> setup.
>> Very cool indeed. Thanks Tom! Now to throw a monkey-wrench into the
>> works... One of the employees spends a lot of time outside of his home
>> office, and is then reachable only by cell phone. But we (for obvious
>> reasons) don't want to hand out his cell number to everyone who wants to
>> reach him. So, he will often forward his home phone to his cell, and
>> forward the main office number to his home number (so when people call
>> the office, they get his cell without realizing it).
> We do this all the time. We just moved and have three people working
> from their homes. The boss's extension rings here locally on a spare
> phone and rings his IAX2 phone at home. He also forwards his extension
> to his cellphone when he is out using *72 on the Asterisk box. One
> employee is working from out of state and his extension calls his
> cellphone. When someone dials his DID number it dials back out to his
> cell phone and no one knows any different. When we dial his three digit
> extension here it goes to his cell phone. The last person has an IAX
> client running on his laptop and takes calls from there. When someone
> calls in and presses '2' for support it rings a guy out in production
> and the other person working from home.
> I have my extension set to ring my Grandstream phone and my cell phone
> at the same time and I can take the calls from anywhere. I can even
> transfer a call back to another extension from my cellphone if they need
> someone else. Asterisk does all the call forwarding and phone routing.
> - James
>> Is there any way to use the SPA-3000 at his house to re-route calls
>> (VOIP calls, in this case) to his cell? Or would that have to be done
>> at the office where the server is physically. I'm not clear on whether
>> the Asterisk server can control a remote SPA-3000 in this way.
> As long as Asterisk has a way to re-dial out a phone line or voip
> provider, it can route an extension anywhere and the caller will not
> know it.
>> I guess this could be done directly from the Asterisk server, couldn't
>> it? It wouldn't be something that could happen automatically; it would
>> have to be manually turned on and off. But it would also require
>> another POTS line at the main office for the outbound call -- so I'd
>> rather leverage the phone line at his home office to make the outgoing
>> call to his cell phone if at all possible...
>> One more monkey-wrench -- what if I want both of the employees to be on
>> the phone at the same time? Two incoming POTS lines, and two SPA-3000's
>> at the office? Or does it make more sense at that time to get a TDMxx
>> card?
>>> This will not change, you're still looking at three lines in the
>>> scenario I outlined above. (Unless you switch to incoming VOIP, but I
>>> do *NOT* recommend that.)
>> Nope, I don't believe in VOIP replacing POTS completely yet. Maybe in 5
>> years...
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
> =-
>> | Jason Marshall, marshalj at spots.ab.ca. Spots InterConnect, Inc.
>> Calgary, AB |
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
> =-
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