[Asterisk-Users] setting variables in a .call file - how?

Tomasz Chmielewski mangoo at wpkg.org
Tue Nov 29 03:38:52 MST 2005

How can I set a variable in a .call file?

I wanted to add a fax header with SpanDSP / txfax, and the information 
on soft-switch.org says:

"If the variable LOCALHEADERINFO has been set when txfax is run, the 
value of that variable will be used as the user defined part of the 
header text".

So I tried to set that variale in a .call file:

MaxRetries: 2
retryTime: 60
WaitTime: 20
Application: txfax
Data: $DATADIR/$ATTNAME.tif|caller

but it doesn't make any difference, fax header is not added.

So perhaps I'm setting that variable in a wrong way?

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