[Asterisk-Users] Asterisk fax

Sergio Chersovani mlists at c-net.it
Sat Nov 26 14:39:38 MST 2005

Tom Rymes ha scritto:

> However, I do think it is fairly clear that using an ATA is a less  
> than ideal solution for any serious faxing, since the fax protocol  
> often doesn't play nicely with the tendency of VOIP to occasionally  
> lose packets. YMMV, though, so try it out 

Yep I can confirm this, I did try fax with TDM400 and ata devices 
(handytone and pap2) in a lan and the fax works when you disable the 
echo cancel and play a bit with the volume, but the retransmissions (or 
page cut off) are too much for an office use.

So I'm back to an analog pstn solution for the fax and a isdn fax card 
solution with hylafax as software fax machine

Maybe the t38 stuff will help in the future


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