[Asterisk-Users] REPOST:How do you get a sound to play to caller on answer?

Obelix asterisklists at adontendev.net
Tue Nov 22 08:12:56 MST 2005

I tried this dial command to get a sound to play to the caller on answer.
I have even tried to use the LIMIT_CONNECT_FILE option with no success.

As can be seen below the start_sound variable shows 'UNDEF'.

Are there some other settings I have missed out, eg. file location, type  etc.
The sound file is in GSM format.


    -- Limit Data:
    -- timelimit=26580000
    -- play_warning=61000
    -- play_to_caller=yes
    -- play_to_callee=no
    -- warning_freq=30000
    -- start_sound=UNDEF
    -- warning_sound=timeleft
    -- end_sound=UNDEF


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