[Asterisk-Users] Asterisk and embedded system

burke at tailorhosting.com burke at tailorhosting.com
Mon Nov 21 13:08:57 MST 2005

> On Mon, 21 Nov 2005 18:43:34 +0100, Josh wrote:
>>Hi all,
>>I'm kinda new with asterisk stuff.
>>I'm running a Debian with asterisk and a digium X101P clone card in
>> country #1.
>>Since I'm going to work in another country (country #2), I would like
>>to setup another Asterisk server + 1 FXO device in #2 as well as in
>>However I'm looking for a small solution. By "small", I mean I don't
>>wanna have a big desktop running 24/7 ... just an small box like a
>>WRT54GS + ATA Ethernet FXO for ex ...
>>I've read some howtos from
>>http://www.voip-info.org/wiki/view/Asterisk+embedded+systems but I'm
>>still wondering what kind of hardware to choose.
>>The network I would like to setup is basic, something like :
>>X101P + asterisk (#1) <----IAX----> asterisk + FXO (#2)
>>Person in #1 will call the line connected to the X101P, then choose
>>via a menu to call me.
>>The call is transferred via IAX between the 2 asterisk boxes, then in
>>#2, asterisk will dial the number via FXO
>>With your experiences, which hardware/system (that can be reliable) do
>>you recommend ?
>>i was thinking of a WRT54GS + a GrandStream Handytone 488
>>what do you think about this ?
> I heartily recommend Astlinux (www.astlinux.org) running on a Soekris
> Net4801. It boots in less than one minute to a CF card and stores all
> its setups, VM, MOH files, etc on a USB key drive. The whole setup will
> cost your around $220 USD....more than a WRT54G, but its far more
> flexible, reliable and supported by a great user community. It also has
> one PCI slot and one mini-PCI slot as well as an IDE interface
> on-board.
> Truly, I can't say enough good things about Astlinux. I've been using
> it for about 18 months. Prior to that I used Asterisk on Fedora Core 1
> running on a VIA C5000 mini-itx, in an early attempt to make a fanless,
> silent system.
> Now for my next trick....I'll again leverage Kristian's work (auther of
> Astlinux) to make an Asterisk installation running on a Gumstix acting
> as a SIP <> IAX2 protocol translator. That way ay SIP hard phone can be
> an IAX2 hard phone as well. That'd be my holiday season project.
> Michael Graves
> --
> Michael Graves                           mgraves at pixelpower.com
> Sr. Product Specialist                          www.pixelpower.com
> Pixel Power Inc.                                 mgraves at mstvp.com
> o713-861-4005
> o800-905-6412
> c713-201-1262
> fwd 54245
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Would you explain your setup with your Soekris Net4801 and AstLinux? I am
curious as to how much the system actually gets used and possible any
performance hints that you can give the list? I just looked at AstLinux
and it is facinating... I'm just wondering how much a 266mhz 128 MB SDRAM
system can handle. Might be good out of the box small business solutions
that I might be able to recommend to my clients.


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