[Asterisk-Users] misdn for BRI

Kristof Hardy kristof.hardy at catsanddogs.com
Wed Nov 16 05:48:39 MST 2005

hi all,

I just configured a junghanns card like described on beronet. (using 
mISDN) All seems to work, but I'm more concerned about the 'differences' 
in echo cancellation.

If one uses the junghanns drivers, you're stuck with asterisk1.0.9 at 
the moment; using chan_mISDN I can use asterisk 1.2.0rc2, but I'm not 
using the zaptel drivers, and thus not using the new (KB1 or MG2) echo 
cancellers.. (wich are supposed to be *much* better)

Now I'm wondering if anyone has experience or knows of any (echo) 
differences between the junghanns-way or the chan_misdn way.


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