[Asterisk-Users] Re: Multiple Outbound SIP Trunks

Steven asterisk at tescogroup.com
Tue Nov 15 07:16:53 MST 2005

My question is the same/similar.

I want to test a VOIP provider.
I only want one LD call to that provider at a time so that I can check with 
the users on the quality, etc.

I want the first LD call to go to the VOIP provider, if one session to that 
provider is in use, I want to use ZAP for any additional LD calls.
Preferably I want to be able to change it from 1 session in use to 2, then 3 
etc. until I reach a level of quality vs. savings.
If I switch over completely, then the day that we make 15 simultaneous LD 
calls will ruin our quality.

Zaptel seems to have this functionality built in, where in a group of 5 
trunks, asterisk will use the next unused trunk.
But SIP and IAX do not seem to get tagged as in use as far as I can see.


May you have the peace and freedom that come from abandoning all hope of 
having a better past.
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"Pikoro" <webmaster at psphacks.net> wrote in message 
news:4379DF67.2090303 at psphacks.net...
> Here is my situation:
> I have an office with around 10 users.  Inbound calls will come in via 4 
> PSTN lines.  Outbound calls will be routed across  a maximum of 10 SIP 
> trunks.
> How can I set up a "group" of outbound trunks which will rotate use 
> dependant on how many outbound calls need to be made.
> There will be no discrimination or routes based on outbound calling, like 
> a certain trunk for international calls, another for local calls, etc... 
> Only a group of 10 SIP trunks to be rotated for all outbound calls.
> For example:
> Customer Support person 1 makes an outbound call on trunk1 (selected 
> randomly by asterisk).  Tech support person 1 needs to make an outbound 
> call but for some reason is getting routed to trunk1 instead of to the 
> next available open SIP trunk.
> Can anyone offer any suggestions, links, websites, or conf files that I 
> could refer to in order to make all of this work.
> Thanks in advance.
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