[Asterisk-Users] Can someone explain the 's' extension

Umair Bari umairbari at gmail.com
Tue Nov 15 00:28:43 MST 2005

No, i really dont think so,
 here are few lines from extensions.conf.sample.
 ; Extension names may be numbers, letters, or combinations
; thereof. If an extension name is prefixed by a '_'
; character, it is interpreted as a pattern rather than a
; literal. In patterns, some characters have special meanings:
; X - any digit from 0-9
; Z - any digit from 1-9
; N - any digit from 2-9

so _X. will only catch digits from 0-9.
 On 11/14/05, Matt Riddell <matt.riddell at sineapps.com> wrote:
> Eric "ManxPower" Wieling wrote:
> > exten => s is NOT a "catchall" it's more of a "catch nothing" i.e. it
> > only catches calls that have no destination info. A "catchall" would be
> > exten => _. but that would catch extensions that are not numbers (like
> > o, i, t, T, h, etc). A catch all number extensions would be something
> > like exten => _X.
> Doesn't it catch o, s,h,i,t etc :)
> --
> Cheers,
> Matt Riddell
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