[Asterisk-Users] Non-numerical caller id in Budgetone 101 Ip Phon

Carlos Prieto prieto.carlos at gmail.com
Fri Nov 11 12:35:05 MST 2005

Hi everyone !
 I'm running Asterisk 1.0.9 and testing it with a GrandStream BudgeTone 101,
a Linksys PAP2-NA Gateway, and 2 X-Ten Lite clients.
 Everything works fine, except the BudgeTone is not showing the name of the
calling extension only shows the extension number.
In the sip.conf file i have defined: callerid = "User Name <ext #>" for
every extension (Budgetone, Linksys and X-Ten)
 When i call to a X-Ten Lite extension, the phone shows me the "User Name"
of the calling extension.
But, when i call the BudgeTone phone, the LCD display only shows me the "ext
#" and not the "User Name"
 The BudgeTone is running the last firmware available.
 I don't know if it's an Asterisk or BudgeTone issue.
 Did anyone experienced something like that?
 Thanks for your help.
 Kind regards.
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