[Asterisk-Users] PHP error setting up AMP

Tzafrir Cohen tzafrir at cohens.org.il
Sun Nov 6 00:00:18 MST 2005

On Sat, Nov 05, 2005 at 02:18:00PM -0700, David D. Dixon wrote:
> I've previously run AAH (installing from the ISO and tar), but this time I'm doing my own install and am having problems getting AMP to work right.  Any time I try to modify the configuration, I get an error like this:
> Warning: fopen(/etc/asterisk/vm_general.inc): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /var/www/html/admin/functions.php on line 2292
> There was a post to this list back in March that was asking about a similar problem, and it was said to be related to file permissions on the /etc/asterisk folder and the conf files in it.  I have chmod-ed the folder and the files in it, so that all users have rwx permissions:
> -rwxrwxrwx  1 asterisk asterisk  1695 Oct 13  2004 agents.conf
> Any ideas on what my problem might be?  I had to manually add the asterisk user that apache runs with, but did not create a password.  If this could be part of the problem, where would I find out what the PHP scripts/Asterisk are using?

What about the directory /etc/asterisk itself?

BTW: generally you should solve permissions problems with ghown/chgrp
and not with chmod 777.

Tzafrir Cohen         | tzafrir at jbr.cohens.org.il | VIM is
http://tzafrir.org.il |                           | a Mutt's  
tzafrir at cohens.org.il |                           |  best
ICQ# 16849755         |                           | friend

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