[Asterisk-Users] Slightly OT: Cisco 7960/7940 and AsteriskReg istration Issues ove r a WAN

Mark Johnson asterisk at astroshapes.com
Thu Nov 3 06:52:26 MST 2005

Geoff Manning wrote:

>Info relating to the 7.5 firmware version and it failing to register. Thus
>needing a reboot to fix:
I don't have any documentation, but I can tell you that the 7.5 image 
caused me ALL sorts of headaches.  I rolled it out to a few phones to 
test, one being our receptionist.  On a 7960 with 6 lines, I have 
Asterisk configured to roll new calls to the first available line.  The 
only line that would register correctly was line 1.  Lines 5-6 I never 
did get to register correctly.  I rolled all of the phones back to 7.4 
and all is well again.


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