[Asterisk-Users] Asterisk Sound List in HTML - Updated

Nathan E. Pralle tarsi at binhost.com
Thu May 26 16:56:19 MST 2005

Greetings all.

Well, the first Asterisk Sound List in HTML was so popular, I did some more 
fiddling around to make it even more useful.  Here's an updated page:

- One master list with all sounds, sorted alphabetically by filename
- The old lists are linked from the master list
- Shows what directory the sound is in
- Shows what package it comes with (default, extras)
- Shows the length of the sound in seconds, to the hundredth of a second
- The file name is a link to an the MP3 file of the sound so you can easily 
listen to the sound before using it inside Asterisk.


Comments/suggestions appreciated!


Nathan Pralle

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