[Asterisk-Users] Programs to parse queue_log

Mario.Spoljar at hypo-alpe-adria.com Mario.Spoljar at hypo-alpe-adria.com
Wed May 25 04:53:56 MST 2005

> > What have other admins done to retrieve detailed call information about

> > the queue system?  Anyone develop their own that they don't mind

You can try this perl script it was useful for me. After parsing I do
reports based on generated queue_statistic.csv in Excel...

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# Asterisk Queue Analizer
# Uses queue_log to analize call center activities (agents/queues)
# (C) 2005 Mario Spoljar - spoljar at spoljar.averi.hr
# This program is free software, distributed under the terms of the
# GNU General Public License
# scriptname: qanalize.pl
# TO DO:
#   - switches for:
#     epoch/ordinary output date format
#     silent mode
#     file to analize
#   - cron job description
#   - writing to postgresql database
#   - rotate output to more then one output file, depending on date
#   - xls report output
# Change log:
# 12/02/2005
#   * added functionality to write last analized record to temporary file
#     now script can be called more then once without duplicate output
# 10/02/2005
#   * improved abilitiy to determine times in case of multiple queues in
and outs
# Output fileds:
#  $outrecord[0] - CallID
#  $outrecord[1] - Date & Time - equal to Event UniqueID timestamp
#  $outrecord[2] - Before Queue - time before call enter queue
#  $outrecord[3] - Waiting in Queue
#  $outrecord[4] - Talking in Queue
#  $outrecord[5] - Answerd yes/no
#  $outrecord[6] - Called queue - first queue if more then one
#  $outrecord[7] - Answerd by - agent or station
#  $outrecord[8] - Caller info - CLID
#  $outrecord[9] - Start queue position
#  $outrecord[10] - End queue position
#  $outrecord[11] - End cause: Abandon, CompleteByAgent, CompleteByCaller
#  $outrecord[12] - Queue name - last queue (if call is routed through more
then one queue)
#  $outrecord[13] - Total call time (before queue + waiting in queue +
#  $outrecord[14] - Connect time - time when call is cannected
#  $outrecord[15] - EnterQueue count how many times call enter queues
#  $outrecord[16] - EnterQueue flow - how call was routedthrough queues ex:
#  $outrecord[17] - Agent session durration - duration in seconds
#  $outrecord[18] - Agent Logout time - when agent logout

use Time::Local;
# Variables                                    #
# File handles
# Which file will be parsed  - In file
$file = "queue_log";
# Temp file
$tmp_out = "tmp_analize_queue_log.txt";
# Out file
$queue_statistic = "queue_statistic.csv";
# Max Timestamp value - file
$lastUniqueID = ".maxUniqueID";
# Max call duration in seconds (1800 = 30 min)
#   in this period of time all call have to be finihed in order to
#   parse log correctly (Total call time < then max_call_durration)
$max_call_durration = 1800;

# Global temporary vairables
$tmpoutrecord = "";                             # previous outrecord for
same call

# Default strigs in analized log
$AnswerString_caseAbandoned = "NO";

$EndCauseString_caseAbandoned = "ABANDONED";
$AnsweredBy_caseAbandoned = "*NOBODY*";

$AnswerString_caseConnected = "YES";

$AnswerString_caseCompleteAgent = "YES";
$EndCauseString_caseCompleteAgent = "COMPLETE_BY_AGENT";

$AnswerString_caseCompleteCaller = "YES";
$EndCauseString_caseCompleteCaller = "COMPLETE_BY_CALLER";

$AnswerString_caseTransfer = "YES";
$EndCauseString_caseTransfer = "TRANSFERED";

$AnswerString_caseAgentCallBackLogoff = "SERVICE";
$EndCauseString_caseAgentCallBackLogoff = "AGENT_SESSION_TERMINATED";

$AnswerString_caseExitWithTimeout = "NO";
$EndCauseString_caseExitWithTimeout = "TIMED_OUT";

$AnswerString_caseExitWithKey = "NO";
$EndCauseString_caseExitWithKey = "PRESSED KEY";

# Main functions

sub prepare_tmp_file {
# reareange queue_log, skip evens with uniqueid = 'NONE'
# from min_uniqueid to max_uniqueid
# queue_log - fileds before :
# queue_log - fileds after rearanging:
($min_uniqueid, $max_uniqueid) = ($_[0], $_[1]);

open(FH_in,$file) || die "cannot open: $!";
open(FH_out,">$tmp_out") || die "cannot open: $!";
while (<FH_in>){
      # reverse filed 0 and 1 in list because we wolud like to sort on
field UniqueID originaly stored on filed 1
      @list = split(/\|/,$_);
      if ($list[0] != "NONE") {
            # dont print rows with UniqueID = NONE - these event belongs to
            # restart functions and are not analised there
      @uniqueid = split(/\./,$list[1]);
       if($uniqueid[0] > $min_uniqueid && $uniqueid[0] <= $max_uniqueid){
       $tmp = $list[1];

            print FH_out join("|", at list);
close(FH_in) || die "cannot close: $!";
close(FH_out) || die "cannot close: $!";
return 0;

sub check_uniqueid_range(){
      # if exist .uniqueID file, get set min_unique_id value from file
      # otherwise start from 0
      # return:
      #  @return = ($min_timestamp, $max_timestamp)
      # All timstamp greater then $max_timestamp are discarded
  $now_time = timelocal(localtime());
      $max_timestamp = $now_time - $max_call_durration;
      $min_timestamp = 0;

      $return = open(F,$lastUniqueID) || 0;
      if ($return != 0){
            # if file egzist
            $min_timestamp = scalar<F>;
            # write new max_timestamp
            close (F);
            return ($min_timestamp, $max_timestamp);

sub sort_tmp_file {
# sort tmp file to have UniqueID's line one after another
open(FH_tmp,$tmp_out) || die "cannot open: $!";
close(FH_tmp) || die "cannot close: $!";
open(FH_tmp,">$tmp_out") || die "cannot open: $!";
foreach $line(@sortedarray){
      print FH_tmp $line;
close(FH_tmp) || die "cannot close: $!";

sub analize_queue_events {
# analize event from tmp file and return out values for outrecord fields
# outrecord fieldds definition:
#  $outrecord[0] - CallID
#  $outrecord[1] - Date & Time
#  $outrecord[2] - Before Queue (before queue + waiting in queue + talking)
#  $outrecord[3] - Waiting in Queue
#  $outrecord[4] - Talking in Queue
#  $outrecord[5] - Answerd yes/no
#  $outrecord[6] - Called queue
#  $outrecord[7] - Answerd by
#  $outrecord[8] - Caller info
#  $outrecord[9] - Start queue position
#  $outrecord[10] - End queue position
#  $outrecord[11] - End cause: Abandon, CompleteByAgent, CompleteByCaller
#  $outrecord[12] - Queue name
#  $outrecord[13] - Total call time (before queue + waiting in queue +
#  $outrecord[14] - Connect time - when is call cannected
#  $outrecord[15] - EnterQueue count how many times call enter queues
#  $outrecord[16] - EnterQueue flow ex: (q201 x 2)=>(all-agents) x 1
#  $outrecord[17] - Agent session durration
#  $outrecord[18] - Agent Logout time

# input event
@toAnalize = split(/\|/, $_[0]);
# initialize outrecord
#            1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18
@blank = @outrecord;
# save call ID
$outrecord[0] = $toAnalize[0];
# save Date & Time in Epoch format
$outrecord[1] = $tmp[0];

# Analize events for each call

if ($toAnalize[4] eq "ENTERQUEUE") {
      # Call enter queue
      # 1107285621.246|1107285666|all-agents|NONE|ENTERQUEUE||*201*101
      # ENTERQUEUE|url|callerid
      # Calculate:
      #  Time Before Queue
      @tmp=split(/\./,$toAnalize[0]); # divide UniqueID discribing
date/time form other part
      @tmp2 = split(/\|/,$tmpoutrecord);
  if ($tmp2[0] eq $outrecord[0]){
      # if time befor queue does not egzist calculate it and take into
account if this is not first enterqueue
            $outrecord[2]= $toAnalize[1] - $tmp2[1] - $tmp2[2] - $tmp2[3];
  } else {
    $outrecord[2] = $toAnalize[1] - $tmp[0];
      #  Called queue - queue originaly called just firs in liste
      if ($tmp2[0] ne $outrecord[0] || $tmp2[6] eq "" || $tmp2[6] eq
            $outrecord[6]= $toAnalize[2];
      #  QueueName
      $outrecord[12] = $toAnalize[2];
      #  CallerInfo
      $outrecord[8] = $toAnalize[6];
      #  EnterQueue count
      $outrecord[15] = 1;     # recalc durring write
      #  EnterQueue flow
      $outrecord[16] = $toAnalize[2];           # recalc durring write
if ($toAnalize[4] eq "ABANDON") {
      # Abandon queue call
      # Event:
      # 1107285621.246|1107285824|all-agents|NONE|ABANDON|1|1|158
      # ABANDON|position|origposition|waittime
      # Calculate:
      #  Waiting in queue
      $outrecord[3] = $toAnalize[7];
      #  Talking in queue
      $outrecord[4] = 0;
      #  Answered = NO
      $outrecord[5] = $AnswerString_caseAbandoned;
      #  Answered By
      $outrecord[7] = $AnsweredBy_caseAbandoned;
      #  Start Queue Position
      $outrecord[9] = $toAnalize[6];
      #  End Queue Position
      $outrecord[10] = $toAnalize[5];
      #      End cause
      $outrecord[11] = $EndCauseString_caseAbandoned;
      #  QueueName
      $outrecord[12] = $toAnalize[2];

if ($toAnalize[4] eq "CONNECT") {
      # Call connected to agent
      # Event:
      # 1107283841.237|1107283858|q201|Agent/101|CONNECT|9
      # CONNECT|holdtime
      # Calculate :
      #   Waiting in queue
      $outrecord[3] = $toAnalize[5];
      #  Answered = YES
      $outrecord[5] = $AnswerString_caseConnected;
      #  Answered by
      $outrecord[7] = $toAnalize[3];
      #  QueueName
      $outrecord[12] = $toAnalize[2];
      #  call conected at
      $outrecord[14] = $toAnalize[1];

if ($toAnalize[4] eq "COMPLETEAGENT") {
      # Agent completed call
      # Event
      # 1107282786.227|1107282835|q201|Agent/101|COMPLETEAGENT|21|20
      # COMPLETEAGENT | holdtime | calltime | origposition
      # Calculate:
      #  Waiting in queue
      $outrecord[3] = $toAnalize[5];
      #  Talking in queue
      $outrecord[4] = $toAnalize[6];
      #  Answered = NO
      $outrecord[5] = $AnswerString_caseCompleteAgent;
      #  Answered By
      $outrecord[7] = $toAnalize[3];
      #  Start Queue Position
      $outrecord[9] = $toAnalize[7];
      #      End cause
      $outrecord[11] = $EndCauseString_caseCompleteAgent;
      #  QueueName
      $outrecord[12] = $toAnalize[2];

if ($toAnalize[4] eq "COMPLETECALLER") {
      # Agent completed call
      # Event:
      # 1107278955.128|1107279033|all-agents|Agent/106|COMPLETECALLER|14|19
      # COMPLETECALLER | holdtime | calltime | origposition
      # Calculate:
      #  Waiting in queue
      $outrecord[3] = $toAnalize[5];
      #  Talking in queue
      $outrecord[4] = $toAnalize[6];
      #  Answered = NO
      $outrecord[5] = $AnswerString_caseCompleteCaller;
      #  Answered By
      $outrecord[7] = $toAnalize[3];
      #  Start Queue Position
      $outrecord[9] = $toAnalize[7];
      #      End cause
      $outrecord[11] = $EndCauseString_caseCompleteCaller;
      #  QueueName
      $outrecord[12] = $toAnalize[2];

if ($toAnalize[4] eq "TRANSFER"){
      # Agent transfered call
      # Event:
      # 1107283841.237|1107283868|q201|Agent/101|TRANSFER|106|default
      # TRANSFER | extension | context
      # Calculate:
      #  Talking in queue
      @tmp = split(/\|/,$tmpoutrecord);
      $outrecord[4] = $toAnalize[1] - $tmp[14];       # Event transfer time
- event connect time
      #  Answered = NO
      $outrecord[5] = $AnswerString_caseTransfer;
      #  Answered By
      $outrecord[7] = $toAnalize[3];
      #      End cause
      $outrecord[11] = $EndCauseString_caseTransfer;
      #  QueueName
      $outrecord[12] = $toAnalize[2];
if ($toAnalize[4] eq "EXITWITHTIMEOUT"){
      # Queue TIMOUT value reached
      # Event:
      # 1097512987.0|1097513021|info-lijek-q|NONE|EXITWITHTIMEOUT|1
      # EXITWITHTIMEOUT | position
      # Calculate:
      #  Waiting in queue = queue TIMEOUT (if more then one add all
      #           this is case if you get from one queueu to another
      @tmp = split(/./,$toAnalize[0]);
  @tmp2 = split(/\|/,$tmpoutrecord);
  if ($tmp2[0] eq $outrecord[0]){
      $outrecord[3] = $toAnalize[1] - $tmp2[1] - $tmp2[2] - $tmp2[3];
# Queue timeout = exitWithTimout - time befor queue - time enter queue
  } else {
  $outrecord[3] = $toAnalize[1] - $tmp[0];
      #  Talking in queue
      $outrecord[4] = 0;
      #  Answered = NO
      $outrecord[5] = $AnswerString_caseExitWithTimeout;
      #  Answered By
      $outrecord[7] = $toAnalize[3];
      #  Start Queue Position
      $outrecord[9] = $toAnalize[5];
      #      End cause
      $outrecord[11] = $EndCauseString_caseExitWithTimeout;
      #  QueueName
      $outrecord[12] = $toAnalize[2];

if ($toAnalize[4] eq "EXITWITHKEY"){
      # Caller dialed some digit durring hold
      # Event:
      # 1107283841.237|1107283868|q201|NONE|EXITWITHKEY||1
      # EXITWITHKEY | key | position
      # Calculate:
      #  Talking in queue
      $outrecord[4] = 0;
      #  Answered = NO
      $outrecord[5] = $AnswerString_caseExitWithKey;
      #  Answered By
      $outrecord[7] = $toAnalize[3];
      #  Start Queue Position
      $outrecord[9] = $toAnalize[6];
      #      End cause
      $outrecord[11] = $EndCauseString_caseExitWithKey."-".$toAnalize[5];
      #  QueueName
      $outrecord[12] = $toAnalize[2];

if ($toAnalize[4] eq "AGENTCALLBACKLOGOFF"){
      # Agent callback loged offl
      # Event:
1107283438|1107283424.235|NONE|Agent/106|AGENTCALLBACKLOGOFF|106 at default|64|
      # AGENTCALLBACKLOGOFF | context | logintime | reason
      # Calculate:
      #  Answered = NO
      $outrecord[5] = $AnswerString_caseAgentCallBackLogoff;
      #  Answered By
      $outrecord[7] = $toAnalize[3];
      #      End cause
      $outrecord[11] = $EndCauseString_caseAgentCallBackLogoff;
      #  Session Duration
      if ($toAnalize[6] ne $toAnalize[1]) { # in case that agent twice
entered logout sesion does not count this!
            $outrecord[17] = $toAnalize[6];
      #  SessionEnded
      $outrecord[18] = $toAnalize[1];

# remove \n at the end of all elements in @outrecord

# not supported events does not return any value..

if ($toAnalize[4] eq "QUEUESTART" || $toAnalize[4] eq "CONFIGRELOAD" ||
$toAnalize[4] eq "AGENTCALLBACKLOGIN"){
return (join("|", at blank));
} else {
return (join("|", at outrecord));


sub format_date{
if ($_[0] ne ""){
                  ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) =
                  $_ = sprintf("%04d/%02d/%02d
                  return $_;

sub write_to_file{
# how to write statistic data to file
# modifivcation according to previous and present values of parameters
# outrecord definition:
#  $outrecord[0] - CallID
#  $outrecord[1] - Date & Time
#  $outrecord[2] - Before Queue
#  $outrecord[3] - Waiting in Queue
#  $outrecord[4] - Talking in Queue
#  $outrecord[5] - Answered yes/no
#  $outrecord[6] - Called queue
#  $outrecord[7] - Answerd by
#  $outrecord[8] - Caller info
#  $outrecord[9] - Start queue position
#  $outrecord[10] - End queue position
#  $outrecord[11] - End cause: Abandon, CompleteByAgent, CompleteByCaller
#  $outrecord[12] - Queue name
#  $outrecord[13] - Total call time (before queue + waiting in queue +
#  $outrecord[14] - Connect time - when is call cannected
#  $outrecord[15] - EnterQueue count how many times call enter queues
#  $outrecord[16] - EnterQueue flow ex: (q201 x 2)=>(all-agents x 1)
#  $outrecord[17] - Agent session durration
#  $outrecord[18] - Agent Logout time

@prev = split(/\|/,$_[0]);
@current = split(/\|/,$_[1]);

if ($prev[0] eq $current[0]){
# if UnigueID(@prev) eq UniqueID(current)
#     just update @prev fields according to analized current event
      # Procedures for updating @prev fields
      # if 'QueueName' exist in @current overwrite in @prev
      if($prev[12] ne "" && $current[12] ne "" ){
                        $prev[12] = $current[12];
      if($current[15] ne "" ){
                        $prev[15] = $prev[15] + $current[15];     # count
another queue
                        # create flow record!
                        $prev[16] = $prev[16]."->".$current[16];
      # update before queue time
  # take in consideration if call exit with timed out form another queue
      if($current[2] ne "" ){
                        $prev[2] +=  $current[2];
      # update waiting time
  # take in consideration if call exit with timed out form another queue
      if($current[3] ne "" ){
                        $prev[3] +=  $current[3];

      # return updated value of @prev
      return join("|", at prev);

      } else {
# procedure to write final record to file
      if ($prev[0] ne "") {
            open (FH_stat,">>$queue_statistic") || die "Could not open:

            # format date & time fields in human readeable format
                  $prev[1]= format_date($prev[1]);
                  $prev[14]= format_date($prev[14]);
                  $prev[18]= format_date($prev[18]);
            # calculate total call time
                  $prev[13] = $prev[2] + $prev[3] + $prev[4];
            # write delimited by comma - CSV to file
                  print FH_stat join(",", at prev)."\n";

            close (FH_stat);

            # record written

      return join("|", at current);


#                 MAIN PROCEDURE

print "Start analizing $file...\n"."-" x 30 . "\n";
print "checking range for UniqueIDs...";
  print "\t\t<$a[0] till $a[1]>\n";
print "creating tmp file...";
  print "\t\t\tCREATED\n";
print "sorting tmp file...";
  print "\t\t\tSORTED\n";
print "creating queue & agent log file...";
  # print captions
  @naslovi=("CallID", "Date-Time", "BeforeQueueDur", "WaitingInQueue",
"TalkingInQueue", "Answered","CalledQueue", "AnswerdBy", "CallerInfo",
"StartPosition", "EndPosition", "EndCause", "QueueName", "TotalCallTime",
"ConnectTime", "EnterQueueCount", "EnterQueueFLow", "AgentSessionDurration"
  open (FH,">$queue_statistic") || die "Could not open: $!";
  print FH join(",", at naslovi);                  # write delimited by coma -
  close (FH);
  print "\tCaptions created";

  open (FH_tmp,$tmp_out) || die "Could not open: $!";
  $prvi = scalar<FH_tmp>;
  $tmpoutrecord = analize_queue_events($prvi);
  print "\n Progres:[";
    while (<FH_tmp>) {
         $currentoutrecord = analize_queue_events($_);
         $tmpoutrecord = write_to_file($tmpoutrecord, $currentoutrecord);
      print "#"
    write_to_file($tmpoutrecord, "Print last record!!");
    close (FH_tmp);
    print "]\n";

print "Created file:\t\t\t\t$queue_statistic\n";
print "New uniqueid max is:\t\t\t$a[1]\n";
  open (F, ">$lastUniqueID") || die "cannot open $lastUniqueID. $!";
  print F $a[1];
  close (F);
print "deleting $tmp_out...\n";
#  unlink ($tmp_out) || die "cannot delete $tmp_out: $!";
print "...finished\n";

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