[Asterisk-Users] RE: Cisco 7940g Firmware load problems
Rafal Koszyk
rafal at friendlysol.com
Sun May 22 23:29:22 MST 2005
We had the same problem. From my understanding - the Univeral Loader showed up somewhere around version 7. So if you have a 6 or less, or if you are coming from a different protocol - you first need to load the loader, which I think is POO3-07-4-00. After that loads, setup the configs to load POS3-07-4-00. The Universal loader will then know what to do with that file.
I might have mixed up the order (P00 and P0S) - so just play with it - it will take you 5 min to update.
Monday, May 23, 2005, 12:40:28 AM, you wrote:
BG> While I was trying to upgrade cisco 7940 to sip it gives the same error Protocol Applicatation
BG> Invalid because of lack of some necessary files such sip<mac>, sep<mac>,XMLDefault.CNF
BG> The files included in my tftp server are
BG> P0S3-07-4-00.sb2
BG> P003-07-4-00.sbn
BG> P0S3-07-4-00
BG> P0S3-07-4-00.loads
BG> P003-07-4-00
BG> Dialplan
BG> SEP<mac>
BG> SIPDefault
BG> xmlDefault
BG> CTLSEP<mac>.tlv
BG> SIP<mac>
BG> From: Adam Collard [mailto:asterisk-users-bounces at lists.digium.com] On Behalf Of Adam Collard
BG> Sent: Monday, May 23, 2005 7:54 AM
BG> To: asterisk-users at lists.digium.com
BG> Subject: Cisco 7940g Firmware load problems
BG> I have a Cisco 7940G IP Phone. I am trying to load the firmware to SIP 3.2. The Phone just hangs in
BG> Defaulting CM to TFTP Server. It doesn't do anything else after that. I also have two other 7940g's that
BG> are the Universal Application Loader mode and say Protocol Application Invalid. I need to know what I can
BG> do to fix both these problems. I am running Asterisk at Home version 1.0. I have to of Cisco 7940g's working
BG> perfectly on my server right now. I can be reached at (800) 757-5669 x4861 or acollard at erwireless.com. I
BG> need these working right ASAP.
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Best regards,
Rafal mailto:rafal at friendlysol.com
Friendly Solutions Corp.
213 S. Wille St.
Mount Prospect, IL 60056-3120
office: (773) 957-7800
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