[Asterisk-Users] asterisk hung up the line after 10 minutes rightafter a beep beep beep sound

Jerry Geis geisj at pagestation.com
Wed May 18 17:55:59 MST 2005

There are no cordless devices in this situation. :)

Jerry Geis wrote:

>/ I have a normal setup of calls coming in on analog lines (4 of them) 
/>/ coming into
/>/ an old KX1232 pbx. I have those lines forwarded to a T1 card in the 
/>/ KX1232
/>/ going over to my T1 card, it then uses IAX going over to my REAL 
/>/ asterisk pbx.
/>/ (these steps are there for testing and other items)
/>/ Anyway after a 10 minute call asterisk gives a faint beep, beep, beep 
/>/ and then
/>/ hangs up the line.
/>/ Is there a parameter someplace I have missed? Auto hangup after 10 
/>/ minutes?
/>/ Or is there something else that can cause this to hangup. It has done 
/>/ it multiple times
/>/ now...
That's exactly what my cordless handset does when the battery is 
drained. 3 beeps and a hangup

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