[Asterisk-Users] zttest

Michiel van Baak michiel at vanbaak.info
Mon May 16 04:51:06 MST 2005

On 06:37, Mon 16 May 05, Rich Adamson wrote:
> > Hi Waldo, it really depends on who you ask - Digium say that anything 
> > less than 99.99% is going to result in problems, but ours regularly runs 
> > at around 99.98% and we don't have any problems.
> > 
> > One of our boxes was running at around 99.96% and we had major issues 
> > with the voice quality packing up from time to time.  We disabled hyper 
> > threading and put the TDM400P on its own IRQ and the results came back 
> > up over 99.98% (haven't had any problems since).
> How do you disable hyper threading (what's the command and where is it
> placed)?
You have to disable it in your server's BIOS.
You can also try to install an uniprocessor kernel, but I
don't know if that is enough. 
We had to disable HT too to get it all working the way we
want. I think this is an issue with the HT support in kernel
Michiel van Baak
michiel at vanbaak.info
GnuPG key: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x7E0B9A2D

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