[Asterisk-Users] Asterisk extensions from Mysql

Matthew Boehm mboehm at cytelcom.com
Fri May 13 14:21:42 MST 2005

Chris Coulthurst wrote:
>> If you are using a newer version of mysql, you might have run in to
>> the same problem that I did with passwords.  Apparently newer MySQL
>> versions changed the way that passwords are hashed, and I had to
>> tell it to use the old has instead.  Using the MySQL console I made
>> a change not unlike this:
>> \u mysql;
>> update user set Password=OLDPASSWORD('passwordgoeshere') where
>> User='asterisk';
>> flush privileges;

That is only relevant if you are using a "client" whose version is before
4.1 and trying to access a post 4.1 server.

If both client and server are post 4.0, then there is no password changes


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