[Asterisk-Users] Is there a product to simulate a PRI trunk?

Robert Goodyear me at jrob.net
Fri May 13 13:00:37 MST 2005

On May 13, 2005, at 12:39 PM, Chris A. Icide wrote:

> You should note that while this "works" technically, it won't catch 
> any issues that you may experience when connecting to other PRI 
> switches.
> In other words, two asterisk servers connected back to back with a T1 
> cross-over cable won't tell you that Asterisk's NFAS code doesn't work 
> with Lucent 5ESS switches, or that Sangoma's code pre-firmware v1.1 
> and pre-driver beta6 versions won't bring up the D channels when 
> connected with certain switches.  Everything will work between two 
> asterisk boxes perfectly.

Right. Which is why I wanted to figure out if there was a way to 
emulate the particular signaling protocol; in my instance, NI2, to 
ensure I'm doing all the right things on my end based on what I tell 
the simulated telco end to impersonate.

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