[Asterisk-Users] Re: Problems with TDM400P card

Kris Boutilier Kris.Boutilier at scrd.bc.ca
Thu May 5 23:05:44 MST 2005

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Adam Goryachev [mailto:mailinglists at websitemanagers.com.au]
> Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2005 10:53 PM
> To: Asterisk Users Mailing List - Non-Commercial Discussion
> Subject: Re: [Asterisk-Users] Re: Problems with TDM400P card
> On Thu, 2005-05-05 at 12:11 -0400, Andrew Kohlsmith wrote:
> > On May 5, 2005 11:13 am, Mike Mueller wrote:
> > > > Couple this with the fact that the driver now seems to pull 100% CPU
> > > > every 5 seconds or so and it didn't before and I think we have a good
> > > > case for there being something weird in the driver that is causing frame
> > > > slips or other weirdness that is generally not audible for most people
> > > > but wreaks havoc even for G3 or ECM (I think that's the term for
> > > > error-correcting fax) fax machines.
> > >
> > > As measured with top?
> > 
> > No; vmstat 1, without anything (not even asterisk) running.
> > 
> > Driver unloaded: no spiking.  Driver loaded: spiking.
> Of the three machines running asterisk just now, none of them display
> this 'spike' as described. This was while asterisk was running etc as
> well.

I also observe this spiking behavior with a t100p and cvs-head. I'm running kernel with the realtime patches applied and see the cpu time going to the kthread servicing the interrupt that t100p is on (IRQ 9 in my case), with or without asterisk itself running. This occurs even after raising the priority of the IRQ 9 kthread to the highest priority process. 

However, this on its own doesn't noticeably affect the audio - small timing defects on the T1 can usually be noticed by dialing into a milliwatt() target on the problem box across that link. That said, perhaps the jitter is too slight to hear on a 1004hz sign wave and needs a T1 analyzer to detect properly.

Kris Boutilier
Information Systems Coordinator
Sunshine Coast Regional District

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