[Asterisk-Users] Put a wait in a .call file.

David Choo DavidChoo at espore.com
Wed May 4 07:07:13 MST 2005


Since you think its a serious shortcoming, either you fix it or you shut
up. To start bitching here and complain that its considered and not
implemented is bullshit. * is a great product, but all great product has
their flaws. Being OSS, you can always modify the code yourself. Otherwise
just ask nicely and someone probably wouldn't mind helping.

Best Regards,
David Choo

             John Novack                                                   
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             04/05/2005 09:48          Re: [Asterisk-Users] Put a wait in  
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Ronan Eckelberry wrote:

>Does anyone know of a way to put a wait or a pause in a .call file?
>When my * tries to make an outgoing call on a Zap channel, it does not
wait for a dialtone.  It just starts dialing.
This seems to be a serious shortcoming in Asterisk.

Can anyone explain why listening for dialtone wasn't an early
With all the toneplans , by country, that are defined, it seems this was
considered, but then never made to work

John Novack
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