[Asterisk-Users] Voice Quality

Michiel van Baak michiel at vanbaak.info
Tue May 3 15:32:33 MST 2005

On 16:14, Tue 03 May 05, David wrote:
> Andrew, 
> Thanks for ur response. Hmmm, But I will have a bandwidth issue if I use
> ulaw. 20 calls at the same time... 512 connection can't support that... What
> do u think? The only reason I'm using iLBC is bcz of the Bandwidth. What
> about the packet lost, I see some packet lost... What is the best way to
> configure * if there are some packet losts ?
> Thanks 

First let me say this is just my opinion so don't be
offended ;)

I would suggest you get rid of the 512 connection. This is
not enuf, even for home use.
When you have the change to get a connection with QOS, go
for it. It may be some bucks more every month, but at least
you can control the usage.

Second, a provider that generates packet loss on the line is
not a provider you want to give more then 10 bucks a month
to. Point one should get you all set.

If you got a good connection, you should have no problems
setting up * at all.

Even in Holland, the country with insane high prices for
bandwidth, a 1 Mbit up connection is affordable (more or

Just my $0.02
Michiel van Baak
michiel at vanbaak.info
GnuPG key: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x7E0B9A2D

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