[Asterisk-Users] Sipura SPA2000 dialplan vs Asterisk dialplan

Trevor Peirce tpeirce at digitalcon.ca
Mon May 2 00:02:59 MST 2005

Steve Prior wrote:

> I've got a Sipura SPA2000 ATA basically working (I can place calls 
> between the
> extensions plugged into each of its ports) and part of that was 
> setting up the
> dial plan on the SPA2000 to match the one in Asterisk.  This seems 
> like a pain
> to deal with long term and I don't know what exactly the dial plan 
> built into
> the SPA2000 does for me over the one in Asterisk.  Is there a way to 
> disable
> the use of the SPA2000 dialplan so I don't have to keep it in synch?  
> Or is
> there some reason why it would be a bad idea for me to do so?

Sure just put "x." as your dial plan and any number will be accepted.  
The catch is you'll have to wait for the Short (Long?) Digit Timeout to 
pass before the call goes to asterisk for processing. If the SPA has an 
idea of what digit combinations are accepted it will wait until it has a 
match and send the call along at just the right time.  No delays waiting 
the digit timer to expire.

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