[Asterisk-Users] Ztdummy is Loaded but Asterisk is not using it

RockWater ! rockwater321 at msn.com
Thu Mar 31 23:38:39 MST 2005


I have a problem with * on Fedora Core 3 Kernel 2.6. I set up the ztdummy 
module by following the instructions here 
http://www.voip-info.org/wiki-Asterisk+timer+ztdummy. The compile worked ok 
and I edited the files mention in the wiki.

Here is a screen grab of what I see when I run lsmod

[root at asterisk /]# lsmod
Module                  Size  Used by
ztdummy                 3924  0
zaptel                207364  1 ztdummy
crc_ccitt               2113  1 zaptel

And this is what I see when I do a reload at the astersisk console

Apr  1 16:17:18 WARNING[2400]: chan_iax2.c:7311 build_user: Unable to 
support trunking on user '2277' without zaptel timing

I seems like Asterisk is not aware of the presence of ztdummy.

Anyone got any suggestions ?


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