[Asterisk-Users] Asterisk Realtime - configuration help

Shaoul Jacobson - TELLINK shaoul at tellink.com
Thu Mar 31 07:19:20 MST 2005


In short : cannot register SIP phone (403 forbidden) 

In long :

I am rather new to asterisk (and linux)
One month experience fighting my way in the doc & wiki.

I worked before with the static '*.conf' files.
That worked but I need real-time.

I did compile a cvs head 29 mach 2005.
MySQL is installed and is running 
I can access the database from a remote windows pc with access via odbc &
locally with sql admin & sql browser.

I created databases following samples explanations in the wiki.

sipfriends => odbc,asterisk,sipbuddies 
voicemail => odbc,asterisk,voicemail_table 
extensions => odbc,asterisk,extension_table 

switch => Realtime/from-sip at sipfriends
; voice mail number
exten => 1999,1,Ringing 
exten => 1999,2,Wait 
exten => 1999,3,VoiceMailMain

content of sip_buddies table within the asterisk database
(I display only relevant fields)

name	 callerid		canreinvite	context	host
blacky blacky<1007>	no		from-sip	dynamic	1007 at default
silver silver<1007>	no		from-sip	dynamic	1015 at default

nat	type		username	disallow	allow
-1	friend	1007		all		g729  (I bought licenses)
-1	friend	1015		all		g729

I renamed sip.conf to sip.old

Asterisk -vvvvvvc shows realtime has started.
No sql problems to be seen in log file
Realtime mysql status shows : 
"connected to asterisk at, port 3306 wih username asterisk for xx

so ?


Shaoul Jacobson
VoIP Consultant
Tel :	+32 3 201 96 36
Fax : 	+32 3 227 09 81
e-mail	shaoul at tellink.com

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